Interact | monitoring | detailMonitoring

Interact uses these configuration properties to log detailed information for providing more insights on the internal execution status of Interact. If the auto refresh configuration is enabled, changes to the properties’ value is reflected in the associated Interact run time instances without a restart.


When enabled, the input parameters of all API requests are logged into the interact.log file. The log entries have the following format:
<API type>: <request parameters>
Default value


When enabled, the execution information of all API requests are asynchronously logged into interactPerfMeter.log file. The execution information are as follows:
  • API type
  • Interaction point name for getOffers
  • The timestamp Interact starts executing this API request
  • The duration, in milliseconds, of processing this API request
  • The final status of this API request
  • Session ID
  • Audience ID

When the value of this setting is 0, it is disabled.

If its value is greater than 0, it indicates the frequency of collecting the execution information. The frequency is counted by API type and by the individual interaction points for getOffers.

The log entries have the following format:

api|<API name>(< IP name > for getOffers)| <session ID>|<audience level>|<audience ID>|<status>|<starting timestamp>|<duration>
Default value


When enabled, the profile data loading information is asynchronously logged into the interactPerfMeter.log file. The profile data loading information is as follows:
  • Name of profile database table
  • The timestamp Interact starts loading from this profile table
  • The duration, in milliseconds, of loading data from this table
  • Session ID
  • Audience ID

When the value of this setting is 0, it is disabled. If its value is larger than 0, this value serves as the frequency of collecting the execution information. The frequency is counted by the names of individual profile tables.

The log entries have the following format:

profile|<table name>|<session ID>|<audience level>|<audience ID>|<status>|<starting timestamp>|<duration>
Default value


When enabled, the flowchart execution information is asynchronously logged into interactPerfMeter.log file. The the flowchart execution is as follows:
  • Name of flowchart
  • The timestamp Interact starts executing this flowchart
  • The duration, in milliseconds, of executing this flowchart
  • Session ID
  • Audience ID

When the value of this setting is 0, it is disabled. If its value is greater than 0, this value serves as the frequency of collecting the execution information. The frequency is counted by the names of individual flowcharts.

The log entries have the following format:

fc|<flowchart name>|<session ID>|<audience level>|<audience ID>|<status>|<starting timestamp>|<duration>
fc|Flowchart 1|111|customer|customerid=1.0|0|2022-04-22T18:45:07.361-0500|97
Default value


When enabled, the process box execution information is asynchronously logged into interactPerfMeter.log file. The process box execution information is as follows:
  • Name of process box
  • The timestamp Interact starts executing this process box
  • The duration, in milliseconds, of executing this process box
  • Session ID
  • Audience ID

When the value of this setting is 0, it is disabled. If its value is greater than 0, this value serves as the frequency of collecting the execution information. The frequency is counted by the names of individual process boxes.

The log entries have the following format:

pb|<process box name>|<session ID>|<audience level>|<audience ID>|<status>|<starting timestamp>|<duration>
pb|Decision 1|111|customer|customerid=1.0|0|2021-11-22T18:45:07.372-0500|53
Default value


When enabled, detailed metrics related to API requests are collected in JMX.

This replaces the JVM parameter, which can be optionally added for collecting the same metrics:

CAUTION: The exact metrics are subject to change in every release without notice, so it is strongly discouraged to have any report or script relying on these metrics.
Default value


When enabled, detailed metrics related to flowcharts are collected in JMX.

This replaces the JVM parameter which can be optionally added for collecting the same metrics:

-Dcom.unicacorp.interact.enableDetailStats= com.unicacorp.interact.flowchart.FlowchartExecStatsBean
CAUTION: The exact metrics are subject to change in every release without notice, so it is strongly discouraged to have any report or script relying on these metrics.
Default value


When enabled, the detailed metrics related to cache operations are collected in JMX.

This replaces the JVM parameter which can be optionally added for collecting the same metrics:

-Dcom.unicacorp.interact.enableDetailStats= com.unicacorp.interact.cache.CacheStatsBean
CAUTION: The exact metrics are subject to change in every release without notice, so it is strongly discouraged to have any report or script relying on these metrics.
Default value