Interact | ETL | patternStateETL

The configuration properties in this category define the settings for the ETL process.

New category name


Provide a name that uniquely identifies this configuration. Note that you must provide this exact name when you run the stand-alone ETL process. For convenience in specifying this name on the command line, you may want to avoid a name containing spaces or punctuation, such as ETLProfile1.



Determines whether the stand-alone ETL process in this configuration should run once each day. Valid answers are Yes or No. If you answer No here, the processSleepIntervalInMinutes determines the run schedule for the process.



The preferred time at which the stand-alone ETL process should start. Specify the time in the format HH:MM:SS AM/PM, as in 01:00:00 AM.



The preferred time at which the stand-alone ETL process should stop. Specify the time in the format HH:MM:SS AM/PM, as in 08:00:00 AM.



If you have not configured the stand-alone ETL process to run once a day (as specified in the runOnceADay property), this property specifies the interval between ETL process runs. For example, if you specify 15 here, the stand-alone ETL process will wait for 15 minutes after it stops running before starting the process again.



The maximum number of records of a JDBC batch before committing the query. By default, this is set to 5000. Note that this is not the maximum number of records that the ETL processes in one iteration. During each iteration, the ETL processes all available records from the UACI_EVENTPATTERNSTATE table. However, all those records are broken into maxJDBCInsertSize chunks.



The maximum number of records of a JDBC batch to fetch from the staging database.

You may need to increase this value to tune the performance of the ETL.



The network port on which the standalone ETL process listens for a stop request. Under normal circumstances, there should be no reason to change this from the default value.



A value used for performance tuning. Collections of pattern state data are fetched and transformed into objects that are added to a queue to be processed and written to the database. This property controls the size of the queue.



Specifies the absolute path to a script to run when the ETL process is completed. If you specify a script, three arguments are passed to the completion notification script: start time, end time, and total number of event pattern records processed. The start time and end time are numeric values representing number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970.