Interact | flowchart | ExternalCallouts | [ExternalCalloutName]

This section defines the class settings for custom external callouts you have written with the external callout API.



The name of the Java class represented by this external callout.

This is the Java class that you can access with the Macro EXTERNALCALLOUT.

Default value

No default value defined.



The classpath for the Java class represented by this external callout. The classpath must reference jar files on the runtime environment server. If you are using a server group and all runtime servers are using the same Unica Platform, every server must have a copy of the jar file in the same location. The classpath must consist of absolute locations of jar files, separated by the path delimiter of the operating system of the runtime environment server, for example a semi-colon (;) on Windows and a colon (:) on UNIX systems. Directories containing class files are not accepted. For example, on a Unix system: /path1/file1.jar:/path2/file2.jar.

This classpath must be less than 1024 characters. You can use the manifest file in a .jar file to specify other .jar files so only one .jar file has to appear in your class path.

This is the Java class that you can access with the Macro EXTERNALCALLOUT.

If multiple JARs are provided in this setting, they must be separated with their platform's path separator character, example, the semicolon ";" on windows, and the colon ":" on Linux).

Default value

No default value defined.

Notes on Calling Web Service APIs from Interact External Callouts

  • Interact recommends that external callouts modules must not make additional SOAP calls to complete their processing. While this can work if properly configured, it can also lead to classloading and internal SOAP configuration errors that are difficult to resolve. It is recommended that you use REST or alternative web service API frameworks if you require to call out to other systems from within their external callouts.
  • If SOAP APIs are to be used within Interact external callouts, they must be compiled against the version of SOAP / Axis2 included with Interact. As of this publishing the version is Axis2 version 1.52. The exact version used by Interact can be determined by searching for the *axis2*.jar files in the InteractRT.war/web-inf/lib directory and noting the version listed at the end of their filename (example, axis2-kernel-1.5.2.jar). The version of Axis2 that was used to compile your SOAP stubs is typically listed as a comment at the top of the SOAP * file generated or provided to you.
  • If your external callout is encountering SOAP errors, you must enable classloading logging on your application server to verify that only Interact's provided Axis2 and Axiom libraries are loaded and used by both Interact and your external callout code.
  • External callout processing errors can be found in the interact.log file.