Streams dependency checker fails with ulimit warning

The Streams 3.2.1 dependency checker fails with a ulimit warning.

Increase the ulimit property as follows.

  1. Log in as root to the Linux server on which you are trying to install Streams and edit the 90-nproc.conf file located in the /etc/security/limits.d folder.

    Edit the file to have following entries

    # Default limit for number of user's processes to prevent
    # accidental fork bombs.
    # See rhbz #432903 for reasoning.
    *          soft    nproc    4096
    root       soft    nproc     unlimited
  2. Restart the Linux server on which you are trying to install Streams.
  3. Log in to Streams as the streamsadmin user.
  4. Execute the following command.
    ulimit -a

    The outcome should include a line like this.

    max user processes (-u) 4096