Setting a diagnostic trace on Sametime Gateway

You can specify how the server handles Sametime® Gateway Server log records. You can select a Sametime Gateway Server server to enable or disable a system log for the server, specify where log data is stored, and choose a format for log content. You can also specify a log detail level for components and groups of components.


  1. In the Integrated Solutions Console, click Troubleshooting --> Logs and Trace.
  2. Click the RTCGWServer that you want to trace.
  3. In the "General Properties" section, click Change Log Detail Levels.
  4. Select the Runtime tab.
  5. In the* section, click*.
  6. From the context menu, select All Messages and Traces.
    You should now see the following text in the log detail level field: *=info:*=all
  7. If SIP traces are required, add the following string to the detail level field, using a colon (:) as a delimiter.

    The result looks like this:

  8. Select Save runtime changes to configuration as well.
  9. Click OK, and then Save. Restarting server1 is not necessary.
  10. Monitor the log file in stgw_profile_root\logs\server_name\trace.log
  11. If Sametime Gateway is clustered, repeat Steps 1 through 9 for each node in the cluster.

What to do next

Set a diagnostic trace on the SIP Proxy server, as described in Tracing a Session Initiation Protocol proxy server in the WebSphere Application Server information center.