Associating a WebSphere proxy server with a Windows service

Associate the IBM® WebSphere® proxy servers with a Windows™ service so that you can configure the WebSphere proxy servers to start when Microsoft™ Windows starts.


  1. Log in to the WebSphere proxy server.
  2. Use Windows Explorer and navigate to the X:\IBM\WebSphere\Appserver\Profiles\profilename\properties folder.

    For example, X:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\US-STGMEESTMPNProfile1\properties

  3. Open the file soap.client.props for editing.
  4. Locate the lines that start with:

  5. Enter the name and password of the WebSphere Application Server administrator account.
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Start the services and ensure there are no services for the WebSphere proxy server. If there is a service there, delete it.
  8. Open notepad.exe.
  9. Paste the commands to create services into the notepad. Be sure to substitute the proxy server's name. In this case, the WebSphere proxy server name is BWMproxy1. Be sure to correct the profile path. In the example it is AppSrv01.
  10. Save the file to X:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin and assign the file name createservices.bat. Make sure the file extension is .bat.
  11. Launch a command prompt window and change directories to X:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin .
  12. Enter the following command:


    When the command finishes running, ensure you see the service successfully added message. If there is an error, correct the error before proceeding.

  13. Start the services and click Refresh.
  14. Start each service and ensure it starts the server. Check the log, startserver.log, for details. The log files are stored in this directory: X:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs.
  15. If you open the log file, look for the message Server name open for e-business toward the bottom of the file.
    Note: Be sure to start the Node Agent first.
  16. Confirm that the services work, then launch the services from the control panel. Double click the service. Change the start-up type for the Node Agent to Automatic.
  17. Double-click the AppServer instance and change the startup type to Automatic (delayed start).