Sametime Gateway Server Gateway properties

Use this page to set the maximum number of chat sessions. You can also specify domains from which to block messages.

Set maximum sessions

This option sets the maximum instant messaging and presence sessions. A limit of 1000 instant messaging and 1000 presence sessions is set by default. Note that maximum sessions set here override the maximum sessions that are set for a route to a community.
Table 1. Set maximum sessions values
Value Meaning
-1 no limit
0 no sessions allowed
n n sessions allowed, where n is any integer between 1 and 2147483647

Blacklist domains

Specify the DNS blacklist sites to check when Sametime® Gateway receives a subscription request. The Sametime Gateway server rejects messages when either the destination or source domains are in this list. Use Fully qualified domain names or TCP/IP addresses separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), or space ( ). Wild cards using an asterisk in the first subdomain position are allowed. For example, * is allowed.