Community properties

Use this page to connect IBM® Sametime® Gateway Server to one internal community and multiple external communities, or to edit the connection properties of an existing community. Specify the type of community, the domains to use when accessing the community, the translation protocol that Sametime Gateway Server uses to communicate with the community, connection details, and any custom properties for the connection or community. After you create a community, use the Assign local users to this community link to give permission to local users to access the external or clearinghouse community.


Type a descriptive name for the community.

Community type

Select the type of community:
Table 1. Types of communities
Community type Description
AOL® clearinghouse The AOL clearinghouse community acts like a message router with links to several communities.
Local The local community is the internal IBM Sametime community served by the Sametime Gateway Server. The Sametime Gateway Server can connect to only one local community, but the local community can include many domains within the community, as long as those domains are connected by a single user directory.
External An external community is any community connected by a common directory and belonging to another company or organization outside the fire wall.

Community custom properties

Click this link to add custom properties to the community, or edit existing custom properties. Some external communities may require extending the Sametime Gateway Server functionality by adding a custom property in order to connect to the community.


Type at least one unique, fully qualified domain name or TCP/IP address for the community. List multiple domain names separated by a comma, semicolon, or space. Domain names have two or more parts separated by dots, such as Each domain name must access the same user directory. For example:,,, must access the same user directory in the community. The wildcard asterisk (*) is accepted in the first subdomain only.

Table 2. Summary of wildcard usage in domain names

The following table provides examples of correct and incorrect use of wildcards within domains. Column 1 indicates whether the example is for correct usage or incorrect usage. For each usage in column 1, column 2 contains one or more rows describing different ways to insert a wildcard into a domain string; column 3 provides an example of each possible use.

Wildcards Case Examples
Correct wildcard use Asterisk as the first subdomain *


Incorrect wildcard use Single asterisk *
Asterisk as the domain *.com
Asterisk as part of a domain or subdomain *
Multiple asterisks in one domain *.*
Asterisk is any position other than the first subdomain.*
Asterisk in a TCP/IP address 9.92.128.*
Domains that are already included when using a wildcard * and Including the second domain is not needed.
If you are connecting to the AOL Instant Messenger community, include these community domains:

Translation protocol

A translation protocol translates instant messages from one code standard to another to allow different instant messaging systems that rely on different protocols to talk with each other. Select a protocol that matches the protocol used by the community's instant messaging application.
Table 3. Translation protocols
Translation protocol Function
SIP for AOL Use SIP for AOL for all AOL Instant Messenger™ and AOL clearinghouse community Connections.
SIP for Sametime Gateway Server Use SIP for Sametime Gateway for Connections to Sametime Gateway Server 7.5 or later communities.
SIP for legacy Sametime Gateway Server Use SIP for legacy Sametime Gateway for connections to Sametime server versions 7.0 or 6.5.1 only.
SIP for Lync/OCS Use SIP for Lync/OCS for all Office Communication Server Connections.
VP Use VP (Virtual Places) for connecting to the local or internal Sametime community only.
XMPP Use XMPP to connect with communities that use XMPP.

Translation protocol details

Click this link to view translation protocol properties and custom properties for the protocol.


Specify the connection properties that the Sametime Gateway Server uses to connect to the local, external, or clearinghouse community. You are prompted for connection information based on the translation protocol that you select.

Table 4. Connection properties for different types of communities


Default port


Connection details
Local VP 1516 TCP

Domain: Fully qualified domain name or TCP/IP address of the Sametime server in the local community. For example:

The port number must match the VP port number on the Sametime server.






Requires hostname:

External SIP for Lync/OCS 5061 TLS

Host name: host name or the IP address of the Lync/OCS Edge Server.

Domains: domain names of the Office Communications Server community. For example:


SIP for Sametime Gateway Server

SIP for legacy Sametime Gateway Server

5060 or 5061

TCP (5060)

TLS (5061)

Host name: domain name of the external Sametime Gateway Server or Sametime Server such as, for example.

Domains: list of domains used by the external Sametime community.

External XMPP 5269


Host name: domain name of the external XMPP server.

Domains: list of domains used by the XMPP community.

AOL Clearinghouse




Host name:

Route properties

You must add an internal community before you can view or edit Route properties.

Enable route for this community

Select to enable the route to this community.

Set the maximum sessions for each capability for the route

Select to set the maximum sessions for each capability on the route. Sessions should always be larger than presence. Note that global maximum allowed Sametime Gateway Server sessions override the maximum sessions for each capability. To increase maximum sessions for each capability, make sure you increase the maximum allowed Sametime Gateway Server sessions.
Table 5. Maximum session values
Value Meaning
-1 no limit
0 no sessions allowed
n n sessions allowed, where n is any integer between 1 and 35000.
Note that community maximum sessions override gateway maximum sessions

Select the capabilities to assign local users for the route

Select the capabilities, instant messaging and presence, to assign to the route. Both capabilities are assigned to the route and are disabled. You must click Assign users to complete the set up of the community by assigning users to use the route.