What's new in HCL Nomad for Android

HCL Nomad 1.0 for Android is available.

You can download HCL Nomad for Android from Google Play.

Release 1.0.54

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.53

When importing an image, the user is now asked if they would like to shrink it to a smaller size. They can choose "Original" to keep the original size; this option is only displayed if the image is less than 2K pixels wide.

Release 1.0.52

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.51

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.50

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.49

  • Tab bar changes:
    • Tab bar appearance and layout changes.
    • Closing the main tab of an app closes all other tabs of that app.
  • @Command([EditInsertSignature]) now leaves the Done/Clear buttons disabled until the user makes a mark. For more information, see Signature capture formula needs additional functionality.

Release 1.0.48

  • Theme and colors are updated.
  • The "Nomad is running" notification was removed. Instead, Nomad will now prompt the user to disable background restrictions, if needed (for Android 11 and higher only).
  • Unsaved Document recovery is supported.
  • Catalan, Czech, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Thai languages are now supported.

Release 1.0.47

  • Nomad will now create the Full-Text index for local replicas by default for improved search performance (unless disabled by an administrator). For more information, see Creating local replicas.

    Existing local replicas will be updated with the next replication.

  • The Recreate Replica menu item was removed. If needed, recreate the replica by removing it and Make Available Offline again. For more information, see Managing local replicas.

Release 1.0.46

  • The Edit toolbar on tablets has a new, modernized UI. For more information see The Edit toolbar.
  • The Undo function now supports the reversal of text property changes.

Release 1.0.45

If administrators disable Biometric Authentication via MarvelClient or MDM, then users who previously had their Biometric Authentication enabled will be forced to revert to the password protected Notes ID before continuing. For more information, see Biometric Authentication on Android.

Release 1.0.44

Release 1.0.43

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.42

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.41

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.40

  • The Menu is now under the Nomad icon; the search and refresh icons are in the top bar.
  • Improved search experience, including find and replace when editing a document. For more information, see Searching.
  • Quick find by long pressing on a column header. For more information, see Searching.

Release 1.0.39

  • Support for the "Capture Signature" feature that allows for the simple capture of a hand written signature as an image. For more information, see the following topics in the Domino Designer documentation:
  • Improved support for Domino policies.
    • HCL Nomad now has improved support for Domino Policies. Policy settings are applied at initial setup and each time the application is restarted.
      Note: Not all policy settings have been tested with HCL Nomad clients.

Release 1.0.38

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.37

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.36

Frame navigation buttons are now shown on tablets, allowing a frame to be expanded to use the full horizontal width.

Release 1.0.35

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.34

  • panagenda MarvelClient Nomad Roaming: Nomad Roaming allows users to maintain a consistent workspace across your HCL Nomad clients. Workspace backups can be stored in a central Analyze database on the Domino server, restored every time a Nomad client starts, and can sync two Nomad clients as they are running. For more information, see panagenda's Nomad documentation.
  • Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.33

  • Support for Android 13 features: New photo picker. User can choose a per-app language for Nomad in Android settings.
  • Calendar View vertical scrolling is now supported in day, week, and month formats. Vertical scrolling scrolls the content of the selected day.

Release 1.0.32

Nomad for Android now supports displaying some of the most critical “status bar” messages. These messages appear in a notification banner.

Release 1.0.31

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.30

Administrators can restrict the clipboard data from leaving the app. For more information, see the following topics in the Administrator documentation:

Release 1.0.29

QR/Barcode Scanner Support: You can now easily provide text input by utilizing your Android device's camera to scan a barcode or QR code. For more information, see Using the QR/Barcode scanner.

Release 1.0.28

  • After biometric authentication is removed from a device, Nomad allows a user to recover the ability to login to Nomad.
  • Administrators can revert users from biometric authentication back to password protected. For more information, see Biometric Authentication on Android.

Release 1.0.27

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.26

  • Nomad now adds a session entry under the Person document in the Administration tab.
  • Added support for Danish, Finnish, Norwegian (Bokmål) and Turkish languages.

Release 1.0.25

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.24

Text Selection of text within a rich text field in a document is now supported. In a document you can long-press and drag on text to quickly make a selection. After the text selection is complete, the text anchors are made available around your selection. You can then move the text anchors to expand or contract the text selection.

Release 1.0.23

Font choices when editing a document have been trimmed to only include the default fonts plus any fonts used in that document.

Release 1.0.22

Android 12 support.

Release 1.0.21

  • SafeLinx proxy users now see an Android system notification when their login session expires.
  • SafeLinx proxy users now see an in-app banner when their login session expires. This is due to either a background network operation or if the user dismisses the login prompt.

Release 1.0.20

Added support for application restrictions to be set through MarvelClient. For more information, see Configuring application restrictions on mobile Nomad clients in the Administrator documentation.

Release 1.0.19

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.18

Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.17

New Recent Application page design displays 24 recently accessed applications. For more information, see Viewing recent applications.

Release 1.0.16

Biometric Authentication is now supported. For more information, see Biometric Authentication on Android.

Release 1.0.15

  • Added support for Dutch, Polish, Russian, and Swedish languages.
  • Bug fix: date/time formats appeared incorrectly in some languages.

Release 1.0.14

  • Improved rendering on Android 11 devices with curved screens and display cutouts (e.g., hole punch cameras).
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Release 1.0.13

App management through an Android Enterprise MDM is now supported. For more information, see Managing HCL Nomad via an MDM provider (mobile) in the Administrator documentation.

Release 1.0.12

  • Smaller app size for quicker downloads and installs.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Release 1.0.11

  • Improved spell checking performance allows large documents to open more quickly.
  • Improved Android lifecycle support improves experience when working with a resizeable window (split screen on tablets, windowed mode on ChromeBooks, DEX).
  • Improved OpenGL rendering accuracy.
  • Fixed the issue where having multiple dialogs open simultaneously could soft-lock the app.
  • Fixed the issue where keyboard autocomplete resulted in extra letters being inserted.

Release 1.0.10

  • Improved OpenGL rendering - this allows Nomad to work on more devices.
  • Improved extended character support in attachment filenames.
  • Shows warning message if there is an attempt to open non-replicated DB while offline or in airplane mode.
  • More consistent scrolling behavior.
  • Optimized context menu options throughout the app.

Release 1.0.9

  • Nomad server (SafeLinx) support added. For more information, see Configuring SafeLinx Nomad server in the Administrator documentation.
  • Android 11 support.
  • On Android 11, devices with curved screens can be configured to only use the flat portion of the screen in Settings.
  • Improved scrolling in calendar.
  • Extended characters now supported in filenames when adding and viewing attachments.

Release 1.0.8

  • Resolved issue where the search icon could change size.
  • Updated password change dialog layout to be the same in all locales.
  • Updated the keyword list dialog layout to better fit on phones.
  • Resolved issue where the calendar alarm settings button was hard to touch.
  • Improved when the frameset navigation buttons will be shown on phone.

Release 1.0.7

  • Improvements to locale-specific time and date formats.
  • Improvements to accented character handling.
  • Improvements to external keyboard support.
  • Fix for generating problem reports.
  • Fix for showing ECL prompts.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Release 1.0.3

  • Phone support added.
  • Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.2

  • Bug fixes.

Release 1.0.1

  • Long press to copy link.
  • Floating action button. For more information, see Mobile actions menu.