The Toolbar state rendering plug-in | HCL Digital Experience

Use the ToolbarState rendering plug-in to retrieve the state of the site toolbar that is provided with the Portal 8.0 theme.

The plug-in renders the following strings to indicate the current state of the toolbar:
Indicates that the toolbar is expanded because the page is in edit mode.
Indicates that the toolbar is collapsed because the page is in view mode.
Indicates that no page mode is selected. This state can occur, for example, directly after log-in.
You can use the Equals plug-in to check for the current state of the toolbar and then dynamically add markup to the rendered content. The following sample adds a component (web content templates/edit) to the markup only if the site toolbar is expanded:
[Plugin:Equals text1="open" text2="[Plugin:ToolbarState]"]
    [Component name="web content templates/edit"]