Configuring authentication for DevOps Code ClearCase users

About this task

No special privilege is required for the DevOps Code ClearCase® user to log on to the TSO Client. If the DevOps Code ClearCase user can log on to the DevOps Code ClearCase server locally or interactively, then the user can log on to the TSO Server from TSO Client to perform DevOps Code ClearCase operations. The user commonly belongs to the domain users group when the DevOps Code ClearCase server is on a Windows® platform.

If a specific user cannot log on to TSO Client and cannot log on to the DevOps Code ClearCase server either, check the user's user rights assignments:

In a domain Windows environment


  1. Log on to the Domain Controller as user Administrator.
  2. Open the Windows Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools and then Domain Security Policy.
  3. Navigate to Security Settings->Local Policies->User Rights Assignment.
  4. In the Policy list, double-click Allow log on locally. Ensure that the specified user is shown in the enable list.
  5. In the Policy list, double-click Deny log on locally. Ensure that the specified user is not shown in the enable list.

In a non-domain Windows environment


  1. Log on to Windows as user Administrator.
  2. Open the Windows Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools and then Local Security Policy.
  3. Navigate to Security Settings->Local Policies->User Rights Assignment.
  4. In the Policy list, double-click Allow log on locally. Ensure that the specified user is shown in the enable list.
  5. In the Policy list, double-click Deny log on locally. Ensure that the specified user is not shown in the enable list.