Customizing the TSO Client REXX execs

This topic describes how to customize the REXX™ execs in hlq.version.TSCRX that are used by TSO Client.

About this task

To configure the TSO client, you need to edit the following members of hlq.version.TSCRX. For each member, change the assignment of the HLQ variable to the high-level qualifier of the load library data set name that contains the TSO Client modules (for example, hlq.version.TSCLOAD).
Note: If you plan to use parameterized build in batch mode (the pbb command), you need to make specific customizations to EXCMDP and to the TSCBATCH member of hlq.version.JCL. For more information about customizing these two members for batch parameterized build, see Submitting a compile request from TSO Client in batch mode.

What to do next

Customizing TSO Client environment PDS for individual