Installing and configuring CCRAM

This topic provides instructions for installing and configuring ClearCase® Repository Access Manager (CCRAM).

Before you begin

Before installing and configuring CCRAM, you must have successfully installed IBM® Rational® Developer for System z® and CARMA. For details about installing and configuring Rational Developer for System z and CARMA, see the Rational Developer for System z Host Configuration Guide (SC23-7658-01) and the Program Directory for Rational Developer for System z CARMA (GI11-8299-00).


After you successfully configure the JCL to start CARMA-390 in the host system, perform the following activities to customize CCRAM.
  1. Customize member CRASUBMT in data set SCRACLST.
    Note: The CARMA server and TSOCRAM are invoked by the Remote System Environment component of Rational Developer for System z through the CRASUBMT JCL. In the rexec directory, there is a file called that contains one entry: clist.dsname='RCC.TSOCRAM.CLST(CRASUBMT)'. If you rename or move CRASUBMT, then you need to modify this property.
    1. Add the TSCLOAD library to STEPLIB:
      STEPLIB DD    DSN=$hlq.$version.TSCLOAD
    2. Add the following DD statements for REXX™ API auxiliary files:
      //RCCIN    DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(APIIN),DISP=SHR                     
      //RCCOUT   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(APIOUT),DISP=SHR                    
      //RCCERR   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(APIERR),DISP=SHR                    
      //SECF     DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(SECF),DISP=SHR                      
      //RCCPROC  DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.JCL,DISP=SHR                            
      //RCCENV   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.ENV,DISP=SHR                            
      //RCCMAP   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.JCL(APIMAP),DISP=SHR                    
      //RCCLOG1  DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.TAPILOG,DISP=SHR                        
      //RCCLOG2  DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.TAPILOG2,DISP=SHR                       
      //RCCLOG   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.TAPILOG3,DISP=SHR                       
      //*STDOUT   DD  SYSOUT=A                                                
      //*STDERR   DD  SYSOUT=A  
    3. Add the DD statement for TSOC REXX API libraries:
      //SYSEXEC  DD  DSN=$hlq.$version.TSCRX,                                     
      //             DISP=SHR 
    This is a sample CRASUBMT for CCRAM:
    PROC 1 PORT TIMEOUT(420)                                                
    SET STA=&STR(/*)                                                        
    SUBMIT * END($$)                                                        
    //CRA&PORT JOB ,                                                        
    &STR(/*)JOBPARM S=SY4A                                                  
    //*        LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                       * 
    //*        5724-L44  (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP.  2005, 2006              * 
    //*        ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                        * 
    //*        US GOVERNMENT USERS RESTRICTED RIGHTS -                    * 
    //*        USE, DUPLICATION OR DISCLOSURE RESTRICTED BY               * 
    //*        GSA ADP SCHEDULE CONTRACT WITH IBM CORP.                   * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //* CUSTOMIZATION INSTRUCTIONS:                                       * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //*     1) Update MSGCLASS and CLASS on the JOB card to match         * 
    //*        your site's standards.                                     * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //*     2) Change all #hlq.VSAMV to the high level qualifier          * 
    //*        of your VSAM clusters                                      * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //*     3) Change all #hlq to the high level qualifier for your       * 
    //*        installation of CARMA (default=CRA)                        * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //*     4) Change #ramlib to the library containing your RAM          * 
    //*        modules and uncomment the DD                               * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //*     5)  Verify or change system library names (e.g. REXX.SEAGLPA) * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //* NOTE:                                                             * 
    //* The JOBNAME should not be changed unless it is guaranteed         * 
    //* that the JOBNAME will be unique for each submission of            * 
    //* the job.                                                          * 
    //* If you wish to use the sample SCLM RAM provided with CARMA        * 
    //* you will need to customize and run the JCL member CRASALX         * 
    //* in the SCRASAMP library.                                          * 
    //* CRASALX creates data sets required by the SCLM RAM.               * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //* $Revision: 1.6 $                                                  * 
    //*                                                                   * 
    //RUN    EXEC  PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=25,REGION=1024K                    
    //STEPLIB  DD  DSN=RCC.V7011.TSCLOAD,                                   
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //         DD  DSN=RCC.HCMA700.SCRALOAD,                                
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //CRADEF   DD  DSN=RCC.V7011.VSAMV.CRADEF,                              
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //CRAMSG   DD  DSN=RCC.HCMA700.VSAMV.CRAMSG,                            
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //CRASTRS  DD  DSN=RCC.V7011.VSAMV.CRASTRS,                             
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //* FOR tsoc                                                            
    //RCCIN    DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(APIIN),DISP=SHR                     
    //RCCOUT   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(APIOUT),DISP=SHR                    
    //RCCERR   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(APIERR),DISP=SHR                    
    //SECF     DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.CMD(SECF),DISP=SHR                      
    //RCCPROC  DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.JCL,DISP=SHR                            
    //RCCENV   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.ENV,DISP=SHR                            
    //RCCMAP   DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.JCL(APIMAP),DISP=SHR                    
    //RCCLOG1  DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.TAPILOG,DISP=SHR                        
    //RCCLOG2  DD  DSN=&SYSUID..TSC.TAPILOG2,DISP=SHR                       
    //*STDOUT   DD  SYSOUT=A                                                
    //*STDERR   DD  SYSOUT=A                                                
    //            BLKSIZE=3120,DISP=(NEW,DELETE)                            
    //COPYERR  DD SYSOUT=*                                                  
    //PARSEDD  DD SYSOUT=*                                                  
    //SYSABEND DD  SYSOUT=*                                                 
    //SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                 
    //SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                 
    //SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*                                                 
    //SYSTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                 
    //SYSPROC  DD  DSN=SPF.PRODUCT.CLIST,                                   
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //SYSEXEC  DD  DSN=RCC.V7011.TSCRX,                                     
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //ISPEXEC  DD  DSN=SPF.PRODUCT.CLIST,                                   
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //ISPPLIB  DD  DSN=SPF.PRODUCT.ISPPLIB,                                 
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //DITPLIB  DD  DSN=SPF.PP.ISPPLIB,                                      
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //ISPMLIB  DD  DSN=SPF.PRODUCT.ISPMLIB,                                 
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //ISPSLIB  DD  DSN=SPF.PRODUCT.ISPSLIB,                                 
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //ISPTLIB  DD  DSN=SPF.PRODUCT.ISPTLIB,                                 
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //         DD  DSN=JFSHAW.SMPE.SMPTABL,                                 
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //SMPTABL  DD  DSN=JFSHAW.SMPE.SMPTABL,                                 
    //             DISP=SHR                                                 
    //ISPCTL1  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,RECFM=FB)                       
    //ISPCTL2  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,RECFM=FB)                       
    //ISPCTL3  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,RECFM=FB)                       
    //ISPCTL4  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800,RECFM=FB)                       
    //ISPLST1  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=1210,RECFM=FBA)                    
    //ISPLST2  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=1210,RECFM=FBA)                    
    //ISPLST3  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=1210,RECFM=FBA)                    
    //ISPLST4  DD  DISP=NEW,UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                     
    //            DCB=(LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=1210,RECFM=FBA)                    
    //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*                                                  
    //SYSTSIN DD *                                                          
    ISPSTART +                                                              
     PGM(CRASERV) PARM(&PORT &TIMEOUT)                                      
    EXIT CODE(0) 
  2. Customize the CRADEF VSAM cluster (CARMA configuration).
    1. Copy the CRAINIT from the zOSE instalationl location to the corresponding CARMA dataset.
    2. Run JCL CRA$VDEF (or member CRAREPR of data set SCRASAMP) to update the VSAM cluster.
  3. Customize CRASTRS VSAM cluster (CARMA custom information).
    1. Copy the CRASINIT from the zOSE installed location to the corresponding CARMA dataset.
    2. Run JCL CRA$VSTR (or member CRASREPR of data set SCRASAMP) to update the VSAM cluster.
  4. Execute the REXX exec SETUPRAM (member of data set TSCRX) to allocate auxiliary data sets for CCRAM.
    An error message 'SYSOUT DATA SET NOT ALLOCATED, FILE IN USE' will be displayed. You can ignore this message.