Generate a user ID table

A user ID table maps all users' UNIX® IDs to the TSO login IDs used to log in to the Remote Build server.

About this task

The user ID table is used during the build process to transfer UNIX user IDs to the corresponding TSO login ID for each user. The TSO login ID is used to connect to the remote build server. It is also used to generate the temporary PDS used by the build process. Edit the file userid to include the UNIX IDs and TSO login IDs of all parameterized build users. The names used in this table are case sensitive. For example, myuserid is the user ID on the UNIX system and MYUSERID is the TSO login ID for the remote build server.


The table should be in a tab-delimited format:
myuserid → MYUSERID
jphuang → JHUANG
svlusera → USERA
svluserb → USERB
When a life cycle has been changed to control user access authorization, you can make corresponding changes to this table.

What to do next