Parameterized build scripts for UNIX

The following table lists the parameterized build scripts shipped for UNIX® and describes each. You can use these sample scripts as a starting point for developing your own approach to automating Remote Build scripts. These sample scripts are provided as-is and require customization and alteration before they can be used in your z/OS® Extensions environment. Click the link in the Customization required? column for instructions.

Note: Many of the following scripts are Perl scripts, which are run using the ccperl.exe interpreter shipped with ClearCase®.
Table 1. Sample scripts for parameterized build
File name Description Customization Required? A set of common routines that the build engine uses for all element types. It contains the following common routines:
Retrieves the locations of build scripts, life cycle, project level variable file, view element level variables file, output listing, output log, and other parameterized build files and stores the values into a hash table used during the build processing.
A table that maps distributed user IDs to mainframe user IDs. The value of the variable PARMBLD_SCRIPTS can be retrieved from the user profile to replace the hardcoded directory.
Maps the environment variables to the mainframe infrastructure (environment) by retrieving the values of variables in the projectED file and storing them into a hash table used during build processing.
Generates the BCL necessary for compiling.
Retrieves the element data from the project_VIEW file and populates global variables with this data table.
Determines if all systems are operating and functioning correctly.
Cleans up temporary files and working BCL files.
Yes The main script for executing the parameterized build process. This script is called for every build request. It is started with an -i argument, which passes the user profile full path name, such as /opt/rational/clearcase/os390/parmbld/profileUSER. This profile contains the value of variable PARMBLD_SCRIPTS to replace the hardcoded directory in the script. The script opens the projectVIEW file to obtain the value of variables that determine the type of element being built (such as COBOL) and then calls the appropriate build script. Yes The build COBOL script. This script generates all the BCL necessary to compile COBOL elements. It automatically determines the components needed for the compile process (such as DB2®, CICS®, and so on) and executes the build. It checks for status codes at every step of the process to ensure a proper execution. Yes The top of the call sequence for uploading copybook members to the mainframe. Yes Submits the link job. Yes
profileUSER A sample user profile. Yes
projectED_DV, projectED_QA, projectED_PD These samples hold the project level variables and the corresponding values for DEV, QA, and PROD life cycles separately. Yes
projectVIEW This sample holds the element names and their associated variable values. Yes Uploads a copybook the user has changed from the distributed system to the mainframe. Yes
userid A user ID table used to map a user's UNIX ID to the TSO login ID used to log in to the Remote Build server. Yes