Submitting a Compile request

Use the Compile parameterized build request to submit a COBOL program to the mainframe for compiling.

About this task

The Compile menu item compiles and links a COBOL source program. The output listing file is sent to the distributed system in the VOB directory. The output object file is located in PDS USERID.XOBJLIB on the mainframe. The output link control file is located in PDS USERID.XLOADLIB on the mainframe.


To submit a Compile request, do these steps.
Tip: You can use this same procedure to submit multiple files for compile. Select multiple COBOL files in your VOB and then select Compile Multiple COBOL Programs from the context menu.
  1. Open a VOB whose elements have been enabled for parameterized build.
  2. Right-click a COBOL program and then click Compile.
    A command window opens with debug messages showing the status of the build request.
  3. When the compile has completed successfully, press any key to exit the command window.


The BCL scripts generated by the build process are located under /VOB/userid directory, where VOB is the path of the VOB and userid is your TSO user ID. The following BCLs are generated and send to the mainframe to execute the build request during the compilation. In these file names, sourcefile is the name of the file for which the parameterized build command is issued, such as s1alloc_pbtest1.bcl.
Allocates all PDSs and uploads the COBOL source from ClearCase®.
Compiles COBOL program.
Generates the link load file used for link edit.
Performs the link edit.
The following output files generated by the build process are located in the VOB directory.
The output listing file for the COBOL program
The log file for compiling. In this file name, yourfile.cbl is the name of the file for which you submitted the Compile request.
The remote build log file.
Assuming USER1 is the TSO login ID used to form the PDS name, the following are the file uploaded to the host and the output files generated after a successful build. The name of the PDS for the output load module is specified in the variable $loadlib defined by the attribute ZCCENV.
The COBOL source program.
The output object file, where YOURFILE is the name of the source file submitted for compile.
The output link control file, where YOURFILE is the name of the source file submitted for compile.
The output load module, where YOURFILE is the name of the source file submitted for compile.