Assign values to the ZCCENV type attribute

Customize and run the Perl script to update the ZCCENV type attribute to meet your site's requirements.

About this task

The Perl script sets values for the ZCCENV type attribute. This script defines and maps the z/OS® infrastructure and lifecycle for z/OS artifacts on the mainframe. This data is queried by the build process and used to determine where and how the project migrates through the lifecycle. If a change is needed or a different migration path is necessary as development occurs, the ClearCase® administrator need only change the values for the ZCCENV type attribute using the script. The build engine will then use the new values and continue with the new lifecycle or move to the new z/OS infrastructure for testing.

The following code sample shows a portion of the script. You need to modify this script to specify the correct data in the $value array to meet your site's needs. All variables in the $value array are used to generate the BCL when the build request is processed. You can add more attributes, such as an attribute for CICS® or other components, as your site requires. All build scripts that use the ZCCENV type attribute will be modified accordingly.

my $project = 'parmbld';  	 
my $pvob = 'pvob_parmbld'; 	
my $value;	# $env, $db2sys, $menv, $os390_hostname, $os390_port, $stage
		# $copylib1, $copylib2, $copylib3, $copylib4;
		# $syslib1, $syslib2, $syslib3;
		# $syslib4, $steplib1, $steplib2		# optional
		# $hostpds_prefix, $hostpds_affix, $cbllib,	# optional
		# $loadlib, $c390llib, $dbrmlib, $tgtlib, $db2_owner 

$value  = "\\\"DEV,DB2,QA,,9525,,";
$status = `cleartool mkattr -replace -nc ZCCENV $value  project:$project@\\$pvob`;


To set values for the ZCCENV type attribute, do these steps.
  1. Edit to specify values that meet your site's requirements.
    These parameters are positional. Parameters marked Yes in the Required column must be provided with a valid data value. To omit an optional parameter, such as the $stage parameter, specify a comma (,) in its place. The following table describes each variable in and provides examples of each. The $status variable is the return status of the ClearCase command for setting the ZCCENV type attribute.
    Table 1. Variables in
    Variable Description Required Example or Remarks
    $project project name Yes parmbld
    $pvob PVOB name Yes pvob_parmbld
    $env Specified environment Yes PROD, DEV, QA
    $db2sys Specified DB2® No DB2
    $menv N/A No N/A
    $os390_hostname Remote Build server host Yes
    $os390_port Port number to run the Remote Build server Yes 9525, or 1-699999
    $stage N/A No N/A
    $copylib1 Copybook library Yes Specify the location of copybooks
    $copylib2 Copybook library No Specify another location for copybooks, if necessary
    $copylib3 Copybook library No Specify another location for copybooks, if necessary
    $copylib4 Copybook library No Specify another location for copybooks, if necessary
    $syslib1 System library Yes System library where exec modules are located
    $syslib2 System library No Specify another system library where exec modules are located, if necessary
    $syslib3 System library No Specify another system library where exec modules are located, if necessary
    $loadlib Load module library Yes Specify an allocated PDS for linking results
    $c390llib N/A No N/A
    $dbrmlib DB2 No Specify a dataset that holds modified DBRMs
    $tgtlib PDS for upload copybook No Specify an allocated PDS to hold checkin copybooks
    $db2_owner DB2 No Specify the DB2 owner name
  2. Issue the following ClearCase command under the VOB directory to set the ZCCENV type attribute:
    M:\myhost_parmbld_int\pvob_parmbld>ccperl \\cchostname\ccstg_d\Triggers\ 
    In this command myhost_parmbld_int\pvob_parmbld is the location of the VOB, cchostname is the Windows® machine's host name, and ccstg_d\Triggers is the directory where the parameterized build scripts are located.
    The script returns the following status message:
    create project attribute ! 
    Status: Created attribute "ZCCENV" on "parmbld".

What to do next