Using the My Page view

Stay current with the latest news stories from your organization by using apps to list the most recent updates.

About this task

Use the My Page view to access the latest updates from the different apps. In addition to the apps available from Connections, you can add third-party apps if your administrator makes them available.

To open the My Page view, select My Page from the navigation sidebar.


Use the My Page view to access and work with updates in the following ways.
  • To open the content that was updated, click the update title.
  • To add more apps to the page, click Customize and select an app. You can move apps to arrange them as best suits you. For example, if you are interested in updates from some apps more than others, you can arrange the corresponding apps to give them more prominence on the page. For more information about adding apps, see Adding apps to your Home page.
  • If you find that you are not using a particular app, you can free up space by removing it from the page. For more information about removing apps, see Managing Home page apps.
  • You can change the layout of the My Page view to specify the number of columns that is displayed. For more information, see Selecting a page layout.

What to do next

You can then change the setup of the My Page view by selecting a two-column or three-column layout. The apps automatically resize to fit the chosen layout.
To change the layout of the My Pageview, take the following steps
  • From the My Page view, click Customize.
  • Select Change Layout, select a layout option and click Close.