Example .sra file structure for CI/CD automation

When you build your customizations, it is useful to package them in a consistent archival structure. To do this with HCL Commerce Search, a file called a Search Resource Archive (.sra) is proposed.

Designing a repository structure

When your customizations are complete, you can package the resources in a standard compressed file format such as .zip or .tar. This archive can be picked up by processes in subsequent stages of the CI/CD pipeline. It is logical if the file structure of the archive follows that of the working repository you used to develop the code, insofar as that is possible. The structure that is useful for building and testing is not necessarily useful for packaging and transmitting the changes, however. For example, to archive a new connector in such a way that the changed code can be consistently picked up and used by the CI/CD build/deploy sequence, you could use a repository file structure such as the following,
│       auth.xfields.json
and archive it in a similar but specialized way. For example, you could include a separate directory for a manifest of the archive.

       │	  auth.xfield.json
The logical structure of the archive is designed for portability. The archive contains all the resources that could be needed to deploy the code. It could directly mirror the original repository structure, or it could have an entirely different hierarchy depending on your development and deployment needs. The aim is to package all of your changes in such a way that they can be automatically found, integrated, built and deployed by the CI/CD scripts.

One useful approach is to change the archive extension so that (particularly on Windows) the scripts pick up those files for processing, and no others by mistake. Change your .tar or .zip to an .sra file, for example, where SRA stands for Search Resource Archive.