Defining the default store preview store URL and URL alias

You can define a default store URL and store URL alias to display as options when a business users is launching store preview. By defining these settings, business users do not need to know or enter the store URL or URL alias when they launch store preview.


  1. Open HCL Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Expand LOBTools > WebContent > xml.
  3. Open the StorePreviewAliases.xml file for editing.
  4. Add or change the URL and URL alias for the store that you want to display in the Store Preview Options dialog in Management Center.
    For example, the following code snippet defines the store URL and store URL alias for two stores, "MyStore" and "MyOtherStore".
    <storeAlias name="MyStore">
    <storeAlias name="MyOtherStore">
    Note: The maximum number of store URLs and store URL aliases that can display in the Store Preview Options dialog is defined by the maximumStoresinList variable in the ConfigProperties.xml file. This file defines all of the default settings that display in the Management Center Preferences dialog.
  5. Save and publish your changes.