Changing access control for a Management Center tool

By default, only certain business roles are authorized to each Management Center tools. You can customize Management Center to grant or revoke access to a tool for a specific role. For example, if you need to create a role that can access multiple tools or restrict access to a specific tool to a single role.

For information about the default roles that are authorized to use each Management Center tool, see Management Center for HCL Commerce.


  1. Open HCL Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > xml > commerce > shell.
  3. Open the ApplicationMenuItems.xml file for editing.
    This file defines all of the Management Center Tools menu options.
  4. Locate the code that defines the tool that you want and update the usage attribute to identify the role that is authorized to access the tool.
    For example, the following code grants access to the Catalogs tool for the role catalogUser.
    <ApplicationMenuItem actionName="openBusinessObjectEditor" activeIconSrc="catalogActiveTabIcon" 
    displayName="Catalogs tool" id="catalogManagement" inactiveIconSrc="catalogInactiveTabIcon" package="cmc/shell" 
    toolDefinition="cmc/catalog/CatalogManagement" usage="catalogUser"/>
  5. Map your usage role to the access control configuration for the HCL Commerce server. You must extend the appropriate access control XML file for the tool.
  6. Save and publish your changes.