Increasing the maximum page size value

By default, the maximum number of business objects that can be displayed on a Management Center page is 500. You can increase the maximum value by updating the component configuration file for the business object, and then updating the Management Center user interface Page size list.

In the Management Center, the page size option is in Management Center Tools > Preferences.
CAUTION: Increase the maximum number of entries to an appropriate value that your environment can handle. If you set the value too high, Management Center performance can be significantly affected. It is not recommended to increase this value in your production environment.


  1. Open HCL Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Expand WC > xml > config > If the directory does not exist, you must create the directory.
  3. Open the wc-component.xml file for editing. If this file does not exist within your extension directory, you must create this file.
    1. Create an empty wc-component.xml file in the This file is your custom wc-component.xml file.
    2. Copy the following basic XML elements into the file:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      	xsi:schemaLocation=" ../xsd/wc-component.xsd "
    3. Save and keep the file open.
  4. Expand the default directory and open the wc-component.xml file to view the file contents.
    Note: Never change properties directly in this file because your changes will be overwritten with future IBM software updates.
  5. Copy the XML elements that include the maximumPageSize attribute and the associated XML element hierarchy from the default wc-component.xmlfile into your custom wc-component.xml file. Even though you are copying only certain elements, you must maintain the XML hierarchy for those elements in the file.
  6. Change the value for the maximumPageSize attribute to meet your business user needs.
    For example, if you need to change the size limit so that up to 1500 business objects display, your custom file can resemble the following code snippet.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      xsi:schemaLocation=" ../xsd/wc-component.xsd "
      <_config:dataservice dataMediatorType="JDBC"
        maximumPagingResultLimit="5000" maximumPageSize="1500">
  7. Expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > xml > commerce > shell.
  8. Open the UserPreferencePanel.xml file for editing. This file defines the available user options that a business user can select in the Management Center Preferences dialog.
  9. Locate the following definition, which defines the available page size options that a business user can select in the Preferences dialog.
    <BaseComboBox classDefinition="true" definitionName="cmc/shell/PageSizeList" width="230" height="35">
      <PreferenceValue package="cmc/shell" text="50" value="50"/>
      <PreferenceValue package="cmc/shell" text="100" value="100"/>
      <PreferenceValue package="cmc/shell" text="250" value="250"/>
      <PreferenceValue package="cmc/shell" text="500" value="500"/>
  10. Add a preference value to the list of page size values to reflect the value that you set in your custom wc-component.xml file.
    For example, The following preference value defines an option that lets business users increase the page size limit to display up to 1500 business objects.
    <PreferenceValue package="cmc/shell" text="1500" value="1500"/>
  11. Save and publish your changes.