HCL Commerce Developer

Uninstalling HCL Commerce Developer Update Packages (silent method)

You can use a silent method to uninstall an Update Package on a HCL Commerce Developer environment.

To use this method you simulate an Update Package uninstallation with the interactive method and record the uninstallation options in a response file. Then, you can use the response file to uninstall the Update Package silently.

A response file is generated by uninstalling the Update Package on a machine by using the interactive method. The options that you choose in the GUI are recorded in a file. Then, you can use the response file on other machines to uninstall the Update Package silently.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that you are logged in with a Windows user ID that is a member of the Administrator group.
  2. Stop the HCL Commerce Test server and close HCL Commerce Developer
  3. Backup your system before you create the response file. The process updates your system.


  1. Create a response file:
    If you already have a response file, skip to Step 2.
    1. In a command prompt, go to the eclipse subdirectory in the directory where you installed IBM Installation Manager.
      For example, drive:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager.
    2. Run the following command to create a response file.
      Important: Ensure that you enter a file path that exists. Installation Manager does not create directories for the response file and the log file.
      IBMIM –record response_file_path
      For example, IBMIM –record C:\temp_agent_data\installresponse.txt
      The full path to the file where you want to record the uninstallation options. Ensure that the directory where you want to recreate the response file exists. If the directory does not exist, the response file is not created. Do not use the same file name as the response file that you recorded for the silent installation.
      The Installation Manager starts.
    3. Complete the steps in the Installation Manager to uninstall an Update Package by using the interactive method.
      Note: To uninstall an Update Package only, you need to use the Roll back option in the Installation Manager.
      The options that you choose while you use the interactive method are recorded in the response file. For more information about using the interactive method, see Uninstalling Update Packages (interactive method).
    4. Click Finish, then close Installation Manager to save and finalize the response file.
    5. Revert your system back to the state it was in before you created the response file.
  2. Copy the response file, response_file_path, to the machines that intend to use the file for a silent uninstallation.
  3. Run the following command in a command prompt to uninstall the Update Package silently.
    IMCL.exe -input response_file_path -acceptLicense
    Note: Add the -sP parameter to obtain more progress information.
  4. Ensure that the uninstallation was successful by checking the log file.
    • WCDE_installdir\UpdateDelta\9.0.x.y\applyUpdate.log
  5. Restore the database backup to the point where it was before you applied the update.

What to do next

  1. Verify your search index data.
  2. Refresh the workspace and republish the application after the update is completed.
    1. Open HCL Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
    2. In the Explorer view, select all projects and select File > Refresh (or the F5 keyboard shortcut) to refresh the projects in the workspace.
    3. HCL Commerce Version only(Optional) If you enabled workspaces in HCL Commerce Developer Version and you just installed Version, complete the following steps for workspaces to function in
      1. Open the Administration console, and go to Application Server > server > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine. server is the name of your server, and the default value is server1.
      2. In the Generic JVM argument field of the Configuration tab, add the following string.
      3. Save your changes to the master configuration.
    4. Start or restart the test server
    5. Right-click the test server in the Servers view and select Publish.
    6. Wait for the application to finish publishing and to restart.