Adding a column to the catalog entry list view

In this lesson, you customize the catalog entry list view by adding warranty information as a new column for catalog entries.

About this task

The following image shows the default Management Center catalog entries list view before your customization.

Catalog entry list before customization.
After you complete the following steps, a new warranty term column is added to the list view as shown in the following image. The values that are to display within the column are defined in a following lesson.
Catalog entry list with warranty term column.


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > xml > commerce > catalog > listViewDefinitions
  2. Open the CatalogEntryGrid.xml file for editing.
  3. Add a column to the list view definition for the warranty term information. The list view columns are defined in the CatalogEntryBrowseGrid definition.
    1. In the file, search for the "cmc/catalog/CatalogEntryBrowseGrid" definition
      <ObjectGrid definitionName="cmc/catalog/CatalogEntryBrowseGrid" preferenceKey="catCatalogEntryBrowseGrid">
        <dependency localName="catalogResources" moduleName="cmc/catalog/CatalogResources"/>
        <GridNumeric editable="true" name="sequence" numDecimalPlaces="1" propertyName="sequence" required="false" 
         text="${catalogResources.displaySequence}" visible="true" width="130"/>
        <GridText editable="false" name="catentryId" objectPath="CatalogEntry" propertyName="catentryId" 
         text="${catalogResources.productUniqueId_ColumnHeader}" visible="false" width="90"/>
        <GridIconTypeImage enableFilter="true" name="typeIcon" propertyName="null" required="true" 
         text="${catalogResources.productType_ColumnHeader}" visible="true" width="80"/>
    2. Define the new column by using a <GridText> element for simple text or a <GridComboBox> element for a list of selectable options.
      For example, the following code snippet includes the new column within a <GridComboBox> element:
      <ObjectGrid definitionName="cmc/catalog/CatalogEntryBrowseGrid" preferenceKey="catCatalogEntryBrowseGrid">
        <dependency localName="catalogResources" moduleName="cmc/catalog/CatalogResources"/>
        <GridNumeric editable="true" name="sequence" numDecimalPlaces="1" propertyName="sequence" required="false" 
         text="${catalogResources.displaySequence}" visible="true" width="130"/>
        <GridText editable="false" name="catentryId" objectPath="CatalogEntry" propertyName="catentryId" 
         text="${catalogResources.productUniqueId_ColumnHeader}" visible="false" width="90"/>
        <GridIconTypeImage enableFilter="true" name="typeIcon" propertyName="null" required="true" 
         text="${catalogResources.productType_ColumnHeader}" visible="true" width="80"/>
        <GridComboBox editable="true" name="WarrantyTerm" objectPath="CatalogEntry" propertyName="x_warterm" 
         text="${ExtCatalogResources.productWarranty_ColumnHeader}" visible="true" width="90"/>
  4. Add the dependency for your custom ExtCatalogResources resource bundle. By adding this dependency, the catalog entry list view can retrieve and display the text that is defined in your custom properties files.
    Define the dependency with the format <dependency localName="" moduleName=""/>
    For example, the following code snippet shows the addition of a dependency for the ExtCatalogResources resource bundle.
    <ObjectGrid definitionName="cmc/catalog/CatalogEntryBrowseGrid" preferenceKey="catCatalogEntryBrowseGrid">
      <dependency localName="catalogResources" moduleName="cmc/catalog/CatalogResources"/>
      <dependency localName="ExtCatalogResources" moduleName="cmc/catalog/ExtCatalogResources"/>
      <GridNumeric editable="true" name="sequence" numDecimalPlaces="1" propertyName="sequence" required="false" 
       text="${catalogResources.displaySequence}" visible="true" width="130"/>
  5. Save and close the file.