WebSphere Commerce Version

Upgrading runtime environments to use Oracle 12cR2

If you are using an Oracle 12cR1 database, you can upgrade to an Oracle 12cR2 database and reconfigure your database settings in your WebSphere Commerce environment.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that you have an existing WebSphere Commerce instance and Oracle database.


  1. Upgrade your existing Oracle database to 12cR2.
  2. Configure your environment to use ojdbc8 and libocijdbc12 drivers.
    1. Download the oracle instant client zip file.
    2. Unzip the install client zip file in temp directory.
    3. Copy the ojdbc8.jar file to your ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ directory.
    4. Copy the libocijdbc12.so file to your ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ directory.
  3. Update your WebSphere Commerce setenv.sh file.
    1. Open the following file in a text editor:
      • WC_installdir/bin/setenv.sh
    2. Search for all instances of the ORACLE_HOME variable, then update the values to the new Oracle 12cR2 value. For example:
    3. Search for all instances of ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar and change them to ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc8.jar.
    4. Save and close the file.
  4. Update your WebSphere Commerce instance.xml configuration file.
    1. Open the following file for editing.
      • WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/instance.xml
    2. Update the following database configurations for your Oracle 12cR2 database.
      The database administrator name.
      The database administrator password.
      The database host name.
      The database server port.
      The database user ID.
      The database user password.
      The path to your Oracle data file.
      The Oracle service name.
      The name of your Oracle database.
    3. Save and close the XML file.
    4. Use the UpdateEAR Ant target to update the deployed WebSphere Commerce application with your configuration changes.
  5. Update your createInstance.properties file with the updated Oracle configurations.
    1. Open the following file for editing.
      • WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/properties/createInstance.properties
    2. Update the following properties with the your Oracle 12cR2 values.
      The database administrator name.
      The database name.
      The database hostname.
      The database port.
      The database service name.
      The database user name.
      The database JDBC URL.
    3. Update the jdbcDriverLocation property to use the Oracle 12cR2 ojdbc8.jar. For example:


    4. Save and close the properties file.
  6. Update the WebSphere Commerce environment variable ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH for both the WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Search servers.
    1. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative console.
    2. Go to Environment > WebSphere Variables > ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH.
    3. Update the ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH value to the Oracle 12cR2 library. For example, /opt/oracle12/app/oracle/product/
  7. Update your WebSphere Commerce Search JDBC and data source.
    1. Log in to your Search WebSphere Application Server Administrative console.
    2. Go to Resources > JDBC > Data sources > WebSphere Commerce Search Oracle JDBC Provider instanceName.
    3. Update the class path value to ${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc8.jar.
    4. Go to Resources > JDBC > JDBC providers > WebSphere Commerce Search Oracle DataSource instanceName, then update your data source URL. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//database_hostname:1521/Oracle_SID
  8. Update your WebSphere Commerce JDBC and data source.
    1. Log in to your Search WebSphere Application Server Administrative console.
    2. Go to Resources > JDBC > JDBC providers > InstanceName - WebSphere Commerce JDBC Provider.
    3. Update the class path value to ${ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ojdbc8.jar.
    4. Repeat steps b and c for‭ ‬JDBC providers‭ ‬instanceName‭ - ‬WebSphere Commerce JDBC Provider for Publish.
    5. Go to Resources > JDBC > Data sources, open WebSphere Commerce Oracle DataSource instanceName, then update your data source URL. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//database_hostname:1521/Oracle_SID.
    6. Go to Resources > JDBC > Data sources, open WebSphere Commerce Oracle Publish DataSource instanceName, then update your data source URL. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//database_hostname:1521/Oracle_SID.


    d Go to Resources > JDBC > Data sources, open WebSphere Commerce Oracle DataSource instanceName, then update your data source URL. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//database_hostname:1521/Oracle_SID

    e Go to Resources > JDBC > Data sources, open WebSphere Commerce Oracle Publish DataSource instanceName, then update your data source URL. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//database_hostname:1521/Oracle_SID

  9. Restart the WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Search servers.