Troubleshooting: Interim fix installation fails with WASX7017E exception

When you attempt to install an interim fix for an APAR to the WebSphere Commerce instance, you encounter a WASX7017E error.

The Update Installer indicates which log file to check for errors. The following error message is displayed in the log file:
BUILD FAILED file:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer80/config/deployment/xml/exportEar.xml :261: 
WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1"  on node WC_<instancename>_node using SOAP connector; 
The type of  process is: UnManagedProcess Not output parameters Exporting  WC_<instancename> to  /tmp/wcupdate/WC_<instancename>/temp.ear 

WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer80/config/deployment/scripts/exportEar.jacl"
Exception information: error while eval'ing  Jacl expression: can't read "WCSHelper": no such variable while  executing  "$WCSHelper
exportApplication $AppName $AppPath" 


The exportEar.jacl script, which is used to export the EAR, cannot locate the WCSHelper utility, which is in WCSAdminHelper.jar.


To resolve the error:
  1. Verify whether the WC_installdir/lib/WCSAdminHelper.jar file exists and ensure that the file has proper read and execute permissions that are required for use with WebSphere Commerce.
  2. Open the WC_installdir/components/Fixpack/properties/ file.
  3. Ensure that the variable is contains the correct path to the WCSAdminHelper.jar file.
    For example,