Commerce Auto Generated Service Layer (CASL) test harness

The commerce auto-generated service layer (CASL) framework is a test harness. CASL facilitates the process of building and transmitting REST or web service requests directly to the WebSphere Commerce Server, without the need of going through the storefront UI.

The CASL framework is automatically generated by using metadata that is provided from different sources within the product. CASL produces a comprehensive test harness that corresponds to every available REST service and web service within WebSphere Commerce.

The components of CASL can be divided into three categories:
  1. A framework for REST services (CaslRestBuilder, CaslRest, and CaslRestLib-Wc).
  2. A framework for web services (Casl, CaslFoundation).
  3. A convenience and utilities project (CaslKeys and CaslFixtures).
Component Project Description
REST Test Harness CaslRestBuilder The generator that generates the REST test harness API output to CaslRestLib-Wc.
CaslRest The foundation component of the REST test harness.
CaslRestLib-Wc Contains all of the generated output builders classes that make up the API of REST services.
Web Services Test Harness Casl Contains all of the generated output classes that make up the API of web services.
CaslFoundation The foundation component of the web services test harness.
ID Utility CaslKeys Look up internal unique IDs easily based on external business keys, such as eSpots, products, and stores. Retrieves data through web services, or by querying the database.
Test Fixtures CaslFixtures Contains test fixture classes that are used primarily for test setup and cleanup. Used by the Aurora B2B and B2C store UI test suite.