Customizing tests for your storefront

You can create customized automation scripts for your storefront by extending specific scenario steps within the automation scripts. The advantage of extending the existing test bucket to create your own customized test bucket is that you can continue to use your customization when you acquire new releases of the Storefront Test Automation Engine.
Note: To customize storefront automation scripts you must be familiar with Java and XML, and also be familiar with debugging web pages in a browser.

The following diagram demonstrates the relationship between components that make up a test bucket project.

The relationship of components that makes up a test bucket.

The test scenarios from the test case document are automated in the form of test scripts. Each test script is constructed with the tasks found in the Page objects. Every storefront page and every common page fragment have its own Page object class. When a specific action, such as clicking the Checkout button, is required in multiple test scenarios, call the task in the corresponding test scripts.

The starter store pages were developed such that all relevant buttons, links, or other clickable actions each have a unique ID attribute. Each ID can be referenced by the Test Script engine. If you customize a page to include new objects, you must update the Page objects with these unique identifiers. See Defining a new constant for details.

Scenario-specific test data is required to run your test scripts. The necessary data is stored in XML files and passed to your test scripts when they are run; each test script has a corresponding data file. The data files, test scripts, page objects, and constants file are stored in a single Java project that is called a test bucket project. The test assets package contains sample test bucket projects for the starter stores. The test cases for email confirmation, password reset, and product ranking lists are not included in the sample test bucket.