Feature Pack 4 or later

Mobile Web starter stores product compare page

The product compare page is a valuable tool which enables the customer to compare several products at the same time. Customers can compare up to two products at a time on their smart phone devices, or up to four products at a time on their tablet devices. The products are displayed with their pictures, descriptions, stock availability, and product-specific attributes in an organized table. The product compare page enables customers to easily compare products without navigating to each product page and manually comparing the features of each product. Products can directly be removed from the compare list without leaving the product compare page.

Screen captures

The product compare page is available on both smart phone and tablet devices.

Smart phone screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Smart phone product compare page
Feature Pack 6 or later
Smart phone product compare page

Tablet screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Tablet product compare page

Elements of the product compare page

The product compare page contains the following page elements:

JSP files

  • ProductCompareResultGridDisplay.jsp represents the mobile and tablet page.


  • When Add to Cart is tapped, OrderChangeServiceItemAdd is called.
  • When Remove is tapped, the corresponding item is removed from compare.
  • When Clear All is tapped, all items are removed from compare.