Deprecated feature

WebSphere Commerce Payments secondary return codes (generic)

WebSphere Commerce Payments uses generic secondary return codes.

Secondary return code Value Description
RC_NONE 0 No additional information available.
RC_INITIALIZATION_MESSAGE 1 An initialization message is included in the return data buffer. This buffer must be freed by the caller of this routine.
RC_INPUT_ERROR_TOO_LONG 2 Input stream exceeds maximum length.
RC_UNEXPECTED 4 An unexpected error has occurred.
RC_COMMUNICATION_ERROR_INPUT 5 WebSphere Commerce Payments received an exception when reading data from the merchant server.
RC_API_INITIALIZE_FAILURE 6 API initialization failed.
RC_MERCHANTNUMBER 110 Response refers to the merchant number parameter.
RC_ORDERNUMBER 111 Response refers to the order number parameter.
RC_PAYMENTNUMBER 112 Response refers to the PAYMENTNUMBER parameter.
RC_CREDITNUMBER 113 Response refers to the CREDITNUMBER parameter.
RC_BATCHNUMBER 114 Response refers to the BATCHNUMBER parameter. (Note: In previous versions this return code referenced the BATCHID parameter.)
RC_ACCOUNTNUMBER 115 Response refers to the ACCOUNTNUMBER parameter.
RC_PAYMENTTYPE 116 Response refers to the PAYMENTTYPE parameter.
RC_AMOUNT 117 Response refers to the AMOUNT parameter.
RC_AMOUNTEXP10 118 Response refers to the AMOUNTEXP10 parameter.
RC_CURRENCY 119 Response refers to the CURRENCY parameter.
RC_OD 120 Response refers to the order description parameter.
RC_CHARSET 121 Response refers to the character set parameter.
RC_SUCCESSURL 122 Response refers to the success URL parameter.
RC_FAILURL 123 Response refers to the failure URL parameter.
RC_CANCELURL 124 Response refers to the cancel URL parameter.
RC_APPROVEFLAG 125 Response refers to the approve flag parameter.
RC_PAYMENTAMOUNT 126 Response refers to the payment amount parameter.
RC_SPLITFLAG 127 Response refers to the splits allowed parameter.
RC_DEPOSITFLAG 128 Response refers to the deposit flag parameter.
RC_PROTOCOLDATA 129 Response refers to the protocol data parameter.
RC_ORDERURLS 130 Response refers to the order URL parameter.
RC_SERVICEURL 131 Response refers to the service URL parameter.
RC_CASSETTECOMMAND 132 Response refers to the cassette command parameter.
RC_USERNAME 133 Response refers to the user parameter.
RC_EVENTTYPE 134 Response refers to the event type parameter.
RC_WITHCREDITS 135 Response refers to the withCredits parameter.
RC_CREATEBEGINTIME 136 Response refers to the creation begin time parameter.
RC_CREATEENDTIME 137 Response refers to the creation end time parameter.
RC_MINAMOUNT 138 Response refers to the minimum amount parameter.
RC_MAXAMOUNT 139 Response refers to the maximum amount parameter.
RC_RETURNATMOST 140 Response refers to the "return at most" parameter.
RC_KEYSONLY 141 Response refers to the keys only parameter.
RC_DTDPATH 143 Response refers to the dtd path parameter.
RC_REFERENCENUMBER 144 Response refers to the reference number parameter.
RC_WITHORDERS 145 Response refers to the withOrders parameter.
RC_MESSAGES 146 Response refers to the messages key.
RC_OPENBEGINTIME 147 Response refers to the batch open beginning time parameter.
RC_OPENENDTIME 148 Response refers to the batch open ending time parameter.
RC_CLOSEBEGINTIME 149 Response refers to the batch close beginning time parameter.
RC_CLOSEENDTIME 150 Response refers to the batch close ending time parameter.
RC_STATUS 151 Response refers to the status parameter.
RC_CLOSEALLOWED 153 Response refers to the close allowed parameter.
RC_WITHPAYMENTS 154 Response refers to the withPayments parameter.
RC_TIMEREGISTERED 155 Response refers to the time registered parameter.
RC_MINAPPROVEAMOUNT 156 Response refers to the minimum approve amount parameter.
RC_MAXAPPROVEAMOUNT 157 Response refers to the maximum approve amount parameter.
RC_MINDEPOSITAMOUNT 158 Response refers to the minimum deposit amount parameter.
RC_MAXDEPOSITAMOUNT 159 Response refers to the maximum deposit amount parameter.
RC_ORDERURL 160 Response refers to the order URL parameter.
RC_MODIFYBEGINTIME 161 Response refers to the modification beginning time parameter.
RC_MODIFYENDTIME 162 Response refers to the modification ending time parameter.
RC_DELETEORDER 165 Response refers to the delete order parameter.
RC_MINUNAPPROVEDAMOUNT 166 Response refers to the minimum un-approved amount parameter.
RC_MAXUNAPPROVEDAMOUNT 167 Response refers to the maximum un-approved amount parameter.
RC_APPROVESALLOWED 168 Response refers to the approve allowed parameter.
RC_PURGEALLOWED 169 Response refers to the PURGEALLOWED parameter.
RC_MAXBATCHSIZE 170 Response refers to the $MAXBATCHSIZE parameter.
RC_CHECK_CASSETTE_STATUS 171 Inspect cassette-specific data for further information.
RC_FORCE 172 Response refers to the FORCE parameter. May be returned in response to the BATCHCLOSE command. Indicates that the error described by the primary return code refers to the Boolean parameter FORCE.
RC_AP_APPROVEFLAG 173 Response refers to the acceptPayment approve flag parameter.
RC_AP_DEPOSITFLAG 174 Response refers to the acceptPayment deposit flag parameter.
RC_RP_APPROVEFLAG 175 Response refers to the receivePayment approve flag parameter.
RC_RP_DEPOSITFLAG 176 Response refers to the receivePayment deposit flag parameter.
RC_APPROVALEXPIRATION 177 Response refers to the ApprovalExpiration parameter.
RC_MERCHANTPAYSYS 202 Response refers to merchant payment system.
RC_ACCOUNT 203 Response refers to an account.
RC_ORDER 204 Response refers to an order entity.
RC_PAYMENT 205 Response refers to a payment entity.
RC_CREDIT 206 Response refers to a credit entity.
RC_BATCH 207 Response refers to a batch entity.
RC_BRAND 208 Response refers to a brand.
RC_STATE 209 Response refers to the state.
RC_MULTIPLE_BATCHES 211 Response refers to batch objects.
RC_AUTOMATIC_CREATION 212 An error occurred during automatic batch open
RC_BATCH_EMPTY 213 The batch is empty. An attempt was made to close a batch that does not contain any payments or credits. It is up to the cassette to decide whether this is an error condition.
RC_COMMTYPE 215 Response refers to the communication type.
RC_PAYMENTGROUPNAME 216 Response refers to the payment group name.
RC_ADMINHOSTNAME 217 Response refers to the admin host name.
RC_NDHOSTNAME 218 Response refers to the Net.Dispatcher host name.
RC_PLEXNAME 219 Response refers to the sysplex name.
RC_UNKNOWN_ETILL_HOST 301 The specified WebSphere Commerce Payments host is not valid.
RC_HOSTNAME_NOT_VALID 303 The WebSphere Commerce Payments hostname parameter is in error.
RC_HOST_IP_ADDRESS_UNAVAILABLE 306 Could not locate host IP address.
RC_SOCKET_STARTUP_FAILURE 307 Could not initialize socket library.
RC_HANDLE_REQUIRED 308 A PaymentServerHandle is required for this API.
RC_COMMUNICATION_ERROR 309 A communication error occurred.
RC_RESERVED_BITS_SET_IN_FLAGS 310 Bits that are reserved for future use are non-zero. They must be zero.
RC_TIME_PERIOD_INVALID 311 The value specified on the TimePeriod is invalid.
RC_PROTOCOL_DATA_KEYWORD_INVALID 312 The keyword in the protocol data is not valid.
RC_AMOUNT_RANGE_INVALID 313 The amount range is not valid.
RC_SOCKET_CREATION_FAILED 320 Could not open a socket to communicate with the WebSphere Commerce Payments. TCP/IP socket resources may be depleted.
RC_CONNECTION_TO_PAYMENT_SERVER_FAILED 321 Could not open a network connection to the WebSphere Commerce Payments using port and address specified earlier on an etInitializeAPI() call.
RC_SEND_OF_DATA_ON_SOCKET_FAILED 322 Could not send data on network connection with WebSphere Commerce Payments. WebSphere Commerce Payments may have closed the connection.
RC_RECEIVE_OF_DATA_ON_SOCKET_FAILED 323 Could not receive data on network connection with WebSphere Commerce Payments. WebSphere Commerce Payments may have closed the connection.
RC_ERROR_CHECKING_FOR_READ_DATA 324 Could not check for data ready to read on network connection with WebSphere Commerce Payments. WebSphere Commerce Payments may have closed the connection.
RC_SOCKET_CLOSE_FAILED 325 Failed to close the socket.
RC_ENCODING_EXCEPTION 400(R) An encoding error occurred.
RC_UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_TYPE 401 The XML document type is not supported.
RC_EMPTY_DOCUMENT 402 The document is empty.
RC_MISSING_ORDER_COLLECTION 403 The order collection is missing.
RC_DOCUMENT_TOO_LARGE 404 The XML document generated by an XDM query was too large. Refine the search criteria and re-attempt the query.
RC_SERVLET_INIT_EXCEPTION 500 An error occurred during the servlet initialization.
RC_CANNOT_FIND_PROPERTY_FILE 501 The property file cannot be located.
RC_ERROR_LOADING_PROPERTY_FILE 502 An error occurred while loading the property file.
RC_ERROR_JDBCDRIVER_NAME 503 Response refers to the JDBC driver name.
RC_ERROR_JDBCURL 504 Response refers to the JDBC URL.
RC_ERROR_DBOWNER 505 Response refers to the database owner.
RC_ERROR_DBUSERID 506 Response refers to the database user id.
RC_ERROR_DBPASSWORD 507 Response refers to the database password.
RC_ERROR_HOSTNAME 509 Response refers to the host name.
RC_ERROR_PSENGINE_PORTNUMBER 510 Response refers to the WebSphere Commerce Payments engine port number.
RC_ERROR_LOADING_JDBCDRIVER 511 An error occurred while loading JDBC driver.
RC_ERROR_CONNECTING_DATABASE_OR_EXEC_SQL 512 An error occurred while either connecting to the database or executing the SQL statement.
RC_ERROR_INIT_ERROR_LOG 513 An error occurred while initializing the error log.
RC_ERROR_LOADING_CASSETTE 514 An error occurred while loading the cassette.
RC_ERROR_ROOT_PASSWORD 515 The root password is not valid.
RC_ERROR_MAXDBCONNECTIONS 516 Response refers to the maximum number of database connections.
RC_ERROR_MINSENSITIVEACCESSROLE 517 Response refers to the minimum role allowed to view sensitive financial data.
RC_NEW_PASSWORD 518 Parameter refers to the new password.
RC_DATA_SOURCE 519 Parameter refers to the data source name.
RC_OPERATION 530 Response refers to the Operation parameter.
RC_ETAPIVERSION 531 Response refers to the etApiVersion parameter.
RC_AUTHENTICATED_USER_NOT_GIVEN 553 No authenticated user was given for the WebSphere Commerce Payments command.
RC_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED 554 The specified user is not authorized to perform the requested operation.
RC_ERROR_PROTECTION_REALM_NOT_SPECIFIED 555 There is no name specified for the ProtectedRealm setting in the file.
RC_SPECIFIED_REALM_UNKNOWN 556 The realm specified in the file is unknown.
RC_REALMCLASS 557 Response refers to the eTill.RealmClass property.
RC_PAYSERVER_ADMIN 600 Response refers to the WebSphere Commerce Payments administration entity.
RC_CASSETTE_ADMIN 601 Response refers to a cassette administration entity.
RC_MERCHANT_ADMIN 602 Response refers to a merchant administration entity.
RC_PAYMENTSYSTEM_ADMIN 603 Response refers to a payment system administration entity.
RC_ACCOUNT_ADMIN 604 Response refers to an account administration entity.
RC_ETILLHOSTNAME 611 Response refers to the ETILLHOSTNAME parameter.
RC_CASSETTENAME 615 Response refers to the CASSETTENAME parameter.
RC_MERCHANTTITLE 616 Response refers to the MERCHANTTITLE parameter.
RC_ACCOUNTTITLE 617 Response refers to the ACCOUNTTITLE parameter.
RC_OBJECTNAME 619 Response refers to the OBJECTNAME parameter.
RC_ENABLED 620 Response refers to the ENABLED parameter.
RC_EVENT_LISTENER 621 Response refers to the EVENTLISTENER object.
RC_LISTENERURL 622 Response refers to the LISTENERURL parameter.
RC_SOCKSPORT 623 Response refers to the SOCKSPORT parameter.
RC_ROLE 624 Response refers to the user role parameter.
RC_USER 625 Response refers to the user object.
RC_USER_NOT_ENABLED 626 Response refers to the user (the user is not enabled).
RC_USER_MISCONFIGURED 627 Response refers to the User object (the user has rights to WebSphere Commerce Payments. The user is misconfigured).
RC_KEY_TAMPERED 628 Encryption key has been altered.
RC_KEY_NOT_EXIST 629 Encryption key did not exist for the specified component.
RC_SOCKSHOST 630 Response refers to the SOCKSHOST parameter.
RC_ENCRYPT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FAILED 631 Failed to encrypt encryption key.
RC_DECRYPT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FAILED 632 Failed to decrypt encryption key.
RC_ENCRYPTION_KEY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 633 The encryption key type is not supported.
RC_VALIDATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FAILED 634 Failed to validate encryption key.
RC_GENERATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FAILED 635 Failed to generate encryption key.
RC_NOT_ACL_OWNER 636 The user is not the ACL owner.
RC_BAD_REALM 637 A realm error has occurred.
RC_NO_SUCH_ACL 638 The ACL is not defined.
RC_LAST_ACL_OWNER 639 The user is the last owner of the ACL.
RC_NO_SUCH_USER 640 The user is not defined in the WebSphere realm.
RC_FILTER 642 Response refers to the FILTER parameter.
RC_TRANSACTIONID 643 Response refers to the TRANSACTIONID parameter.
RC_ORDERDATA1 644 Response refers to the ORDERDATA1 parameter.
RC_ORDERDATA2 645 Response refers to the ORDERDATA2 parameter.
RC_ORDERDATA3 646 Response refers to the ORDERDATA3 parameter.
RC_ORDERDATA4 647 Response refers to the ORDERDATA4 parameter.
RC_ORDERDATA5 648 Response refers to the ORDERDATA5 parameter.
RC_SERVICE_POOL 649 Response refers to the service thread pool size wpm.spoolsize.
RC_INVALID_CHANGEPASSWORD_STATE 650 It is only valid to change the PM password immediately after the WebSphere Commerce Payments Application Server is started.
RC_ASYNCHAPPDELAY 651 Response refers to the wpm.AsynApproveDelayTimeInSecs parameter.
RC_APPEXPDELAY 652 Response refers to the wpm.ApprovalExpirationDelayTimeIn Mins parameter.
RC_PROTOCOL_POOL 653 Response refers to the protocol thread pool size wpm.ppoolsize.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPPINGAMOUNT 900 Response refers to purchase card data's shipping amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_DUTYAMOUNT 901 Response refers to purchase card data's duty amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_DUTYREFERENCE 902 Response refers to purchase card data's duty reference parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_NATIONALTAXAMOUNT 903 Response refers to purchase card data's national tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_NATIONALTAXRATE 904 Response refers to purchase card data's national tax rate parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_LOCALTAXAMOUNT 905 Response refers to purchase card data's local tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_OTHERTAXAMOUNT 906 Response refers to purchase card data's other tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_TOTALTAXAMOUNT 907 Response refers to purchase card data's total tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTTAXID 908 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant tax id parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_ALTERNATETAXID 909 Response refers to purchase card data's alternative tax id parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_TAXEXEMPTINDICATOR 910 Response refers to purchase card data's tax exempt indicator parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTDUTYTARIFFREFERENCE 911 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant duty tariff reference parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_CUSTOMERDUTYTARIFFREFERENCE 912 Response refers to purchase card data's customer duty tariff reference parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SUMMARYCOMMODITYCODE 913 Response refers to purchase card data's summary commodity code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTTYPE 914 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant type parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTCOUNTRYCODE 915 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant country code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTCITYCODE 916 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant city code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTSTATEPROVINCE 917 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant state province parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTPOSTALCODE 918 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant postal code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTLOCATIONID 919 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant location id parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTNAME 920 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant name parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPFROMCOUNTRYCODE 921 Response refers to purchase card data's ship from country code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPFROMCITYCODE 922 Response refers to purchase card data's ship from city code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPFROMSTATEPROVINCE 923 Response refers to purchase card data's ship from state province parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPFROMPOSTALCODE 924 Response refers to purchase card data's ship from postal code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPFROMLOCATIONID 925 Response refers to purchase card data's ship from location id parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE 926 Response refers to purchase card data's ship to country code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPTOCITYCODE 927 Response refers to purchase card data's ship to city code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPTOSTATEPROVINCE 928 Response refers to purchase card data's ship to state province parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPTOPOSTALCODE 929 Response refers to purchase card data's ship to postal code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPTOLOCATIONID 930 Response refers to purchase card data's ship to location id parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_MERCHANTORDERNUMBER 931 Response refers to purchase card data's merchant order number parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_CUSTOMERREFERENCENUMBER 932 Response refers to purchase card data's customer reference number parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_ORDERSUMMARY 933 Response refers to purchase card data's order summary parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_CUSTOMERSERVICEPHONE 934 Response refers to purchase card data's customer service phone parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_DISCOUNTAMOUNT 935 Response refers to purchase card data's discount amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPPINGNATIONALTAXRATE 936 Response refers to purchase card data's shipping national tax rate parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_SHIPPINGNATIONALTAXAMOUNT 937 Response refers to purchase card data's shipping national tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_NATIONALTAXINVOICEREFERENCE 938 Response refers to purchase card data's national tax invoice reference parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_PCARD_PRINTCUSTOMERSERVICEPHONE NUMBER 939 Response refers to purchase card data's print customer service phone number parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_COMMODITYCODE 940 Response refers to line item data's commodity code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_PRODUCTCODE 941 Response refers to line item data's product code parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_DESCRIPTOR 942 Response refers to line item data's descriptor parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_QUANTITY 943 Response refers to line item data's quantity parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_SKU 944 Response refers to line item data's SKU parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_UNITCOST 945 Response refers to line item data's unit cost parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_UNITOFMEASURE 946 Response refers to line item data's unit of measure parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_NETCOST 947 Response refers to line item data's net cost parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_DISCOUNTAMOUNT 948 Response refers to line item data's discount amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_DISCOUNTINDICATOR 949 Response refers to line item data's discount indicator parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_NATIONALTAXAMOUNT 950 Response refers to line item data's national tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_NATIONALTAXRATE 951 Response refers to line item data's national tax rate parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_NATIONALTAXTYPE 952 Response refers to line item data's national tax type parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_LOCALTAXAMOUNT 953 Response refers to line item data's local tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_LOCALTAXRATE 954 Response refers to line item data's local tax rate parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_OTHERTAXAMOUNT 955 Response refers to line item data's other tax amount parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_ITEM_TOTALCOST 956 Response refers to line item data's total cost parameter.
RC_CASSETTE_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED 1000 The cassette does not support this command.
RC_CASSETTE_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 1001 The cassette does not support this command.
RC_CASSETTE_BATCH_ID 1002 Batch ID was either (1) specified when prohibited or (2) not specified when required.
RC_CASSETTE_REFUND_AMOUNT_NOT_ZERO 1003 The cassette allows only complete refund reversals (that is, the amount must be zero).
RC_CASSETTE_OPERATION_FAILED 1004 The operation experienced financial failure.
RC_CASSETTE_ENCRYPTION_ERROR 1008 An encryption error occurred while the cassette was composing or processing a protocol message.
RC_CASSETTE_DECRYPTION_ERROR 1009 A decryption error occurred while the cassette was composing or processing a protocol message.
RC_CASSETTE_IMPLICIT_BATCHES_ONLY 1010 A BATCHOPEN or BATCHCLOSE command but the financial processor associated with the account controls batch processing.
RC_CASSETTE_BATCH_CURRENCY 1011 The currency for all transactions in a batch must be the same.
RC_CASSETTE_BATCH_AMOUNTEXP10 1012 The amount exponent for all transactions in a batch must be the same.
RC_CASSETTE_BRAND 1014 Response refers to the brand parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_PAN 1015 Response refers to the PAN parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_EXPIRY 1016 Response refers to the expiry parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT_NOT_ZERO 1017 This account only allows complete deposit reversals (that is, the amount must be zero).
RC_CASSETTE_COMMUNICATION_ERROR 1018 A communication error occurred between the cassette and an entity with which it communicates.
RC_CASSETTE_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE_NULL 1019 The cassette received a unexpected NULL response from an entity with which it communicates.
RC_CASSETTE_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE_UNEXPECTED 1020 The cassette received a unexpected response from an entity with which it communicates.
RC_CASSETTE_BATCH_ERROR 1021 A batch-related error occurred.
RC_CASSETTE_BATCH_BALANCE_ERROR 1022 The totals for this batch calculated by WebSphere Commerce Payments and the financial institution did not match.
RC_CASSETTE_APPROVE_NO_DEPOSIT 1040 While processing an APPROVE with automatic deposit, the cassette successfully completed the approval, but could not successfully complete the deposit.
RC_CASSETTE_DECLINED 1041 The financial institution declined the request for an unknown reason.
RC_CASSETTE_DECLINED_EXPIRY 1042 The financial institution declined the request due to the expiry value.
RC_CASSETTE_DECLINED_INSTRUMENT 1043 The financial institution declined the request due to a problem with the purchase instrument (the credit card, check or whatever instrument is used by this cassette's payment protocol).
RC_CASSETTE_AVSDATA 1051 Response refers to the group of AVS parameters (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVS_COUNTRYCODE 1052 Response refers to the AVS country code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVS_STREETADDRESS 1053 Response refers to the AVS street address parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVS_CITY 1054 Response refers to the AVS city parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVS_STATEPROVINCE 1055 Response refers to the AVS state/province parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVS_POSTALCODE 1056 Response refers to the AVS postal code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVS_LOCATIONID 1057 Response refers to the AVS location id parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_CARDHOLDERNAME 1058 Response refers to the cardholder name parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_MAXBATCHSIZE 1059 Response refers to the maximum batch size parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_CURRENCY 1060 Response refers to the currency parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_HUMAN_INTERVENTION_REQUIRED 1061 The operation failed completely or partially. Human intervention is required to resolve the failure.
RC_CASSETTE_DECLINED_APPROVAL_EXPIRED 1062 The approval for the payment has expired. You must obtain a new approval for the payment amount before you can successfully deposit. If the cassette supports ApproveReversal, then use it to obtain the new approval for the existing payment. Otherwise, use Approve to create a new approved payment which you can subsequently deposit.
RC_CASSETTE_AMOUNT_WOULD_EXCEED_ORDER_AMOUNT 1063 Approval of the specified amount would cause the cumulative amount of all payments exceed the original order amount.
RC_CASSETTE_VERSION 1064 Cassette version specified in the database table exceeds the maximum length.
RC_CASSETTE_CARDVERIFYCODE 1065 Response refers to the specified card verification code.
RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE 1066 Response refers to the specified authorization code.
RC_CASSETTE_DECLINECODE 1067 Response refers to the specified decline code.
RC_REALM_INIT_ERROR 1068 The defined realm could not be initialized.
RC_REALM_OPERATION_ERROR 1069 An error occurred while using the defined realm.
RC_CASSETTE_SHIPPINGDATA 1071 Response refers to the group of shipping address parameters (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_SHIP_COUNTRYCODE 1072 Response refers to the shipping country code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_SHIP_STREETADDRESS 1073 Response refers to the shipping street address parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_SHIP_CITY 1074 Response refers to the shipping city parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_SHIP_STATEPROVINCE 1075 Response refers to the shipping state/province parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_SHIP_POSTALCODE 1076 Response refers to the shipping postal code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_BILLINGDATA 1081 Response refers to the group of billing address parameters (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_BILL_COUNTRYCODE 1082 Response refers to the billing country code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_BILL_STREETADDRESS 1083 Response refers to the billing street address parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_BILL_CITY 1084 Response refers to the billing city parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_BILL_STATEPROVINCE 1085 Response refers to the billing state/province parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_BILL_POSTALCODE 1086 Response refers to the billing postal code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_ACCEPTPAYMENTAUTOAPPROVE 1087 Response refers to the approve flag on the merchant account on AcceptPayment.
RC_ACCEPTPAYMENTAUTODEPOSIT 1088 Response refers to the deposit flag on the merchant account on AcceptPayment.
RC_RECEIVEPAYMENTAUTOAPPROVE 1089 Response refers to the approve flag on the merchant account on ReceivePayment.
RC_RECEIVEPAYMENTAUTODEPOSIT 1090 Response refers to the deposit flag on the merchant account on ReceivePayment.
RC_CASSETTE_COUNTRYCODE 1092 Response refers to the country code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_STREETADDRESS 1093 Response refers to the street address parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_CITY 1094 Response refers to the city parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_STATEPROVINCE 1095 Response refers to the state or province parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_POSTALCODE 1096 Response refers to the postal (zip) code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AVSCODE 1097 Response refers to the AVS code parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AUTHCODE_AND_DECLINEREASON 1098 Conflicting protocol data was specified with this API command.
RC_CASSETTE_BATCHCLOSETIME 1099 Response refers to the batch close time parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_METHOD 1100 Response refers to the payment method parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_FIBATCHID 1101 Response refers to the financial institution batch identification parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AUXILIARY1 1102 Response refers to the first auxiliary text parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_AUXILIARY2 1103 Response refers to the second auxiliary text parameter (specified in protocol data).
RC_CASSETTE_DECLINEREASON 1104 Response refers to the specified authorization reason.
RC_CASSETTE_BUYERNAME 1105 Response refers to the Buyer Name.
RC_CASSETTE_STREETADDRESS2 1106 Response refers to the Street Address, Line 2.
RC_CASSETTE_PHONENUMBER 1107 Response refers to the phone number.
RC_CASSETTE_EMAILADDRESS 1108 Response refers to the e-mail address.
RC_CASSETTE_CHECKROUTINGNUMBER 1109 Response refers to the check routing number.
RC_CASSETTE_CHECKINGACCOUNTNUMBER 1110 Response refers to the checking account number.