Deprecated feature


The APPROVE command is used by the merchant to ask the financial system if the buyer should be allowed to make the purchase. For example, for a credit card system, this command would result in a credit card authorization.

The APPROVE command creates a new Payment object for an existing order. This command is legal when the order is in Ordered or Refundable state. If successful, the payment will be in either Approved, Deposited, or Closed state if DEPOSITFLAG is set to 1. If unsuccessful, the payment will be in Declined state.

When approving a payment, you may want to make a deposit automatically. The DEPOSITFLAG keyword indicates that a Payment object should be deposited. Refer to the appropriate table for additional keywords, if DEPOSITFLAG is set to 1.

Keywords Required Value
AMOUNT Yes A positive 32-bit integer in ASCII characters.
ETAPIVERSION Yes 3 (Indicates WebSphere Commerce Payments-or predecessor product-API version: Version 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 3.1.x, 5.5.x, and 5.6.x)
MERCHANTNUMBER Yes Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
OPERATION Yes ASCII character string Approve.
ORDERNUMBER Yes Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
PAYMENTNUMBER Yes Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
DEPOSITFLAG No Indicates whether the approved payment should be deposited automatically. Default is 0. Supported values are:
Funds should not be automatically deposited.
Funds should be automatically deposited. See Note 1.
DTDPATH No Path to the locally stored DTD. The value of this parameter is used in the XML document to specify the location of the external DTD. If this parameter is not specified, the complete DTD is returned as an internal DTD. The length of the DTDPath must be from 1 to 254 bytes.

Note 1: The following keyword is optional if DEPOSITFLAG=1.

Optional keywords Value
BATCHNUMBER Identifies the batch under which this payment will be processed. A numeric string of up to nine characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.