Deprecated feature


The RECEIVEPAYMENT command is used for order creation when there is electronic wallet participation. If successful, the order object is moved to Requested state. Subsequent wallet communication will complete the order and move it to Ordered state.

When creating an order, you may want to approve or deposit funds automatically. Once wallet communication is done and the order is in Ordered state, the APPROVEFLAG and DEPOSITFLAG keywords indicate that a Payment object should be automatically deposited and approved. Refer to the following table for additional keywords that are used if APPROVEFLAG or DEPOSITFLAG are specified.

Keywords Required Value
AMOUNT Yes Must be 32-bit positive integer in ASCII characters.
AMOUNTEXP10 No Integer in ASCII characters. Indicates the number of decimal places to shift. For more information about this keyword, refer to Using the AmountExp10 keyword.
APPROVEFLAG No Integer in ASCII characters. Indicates whether the approvals should be attempted automatically.
(Default) Indicates transaction should not be approved.
Indicates transaction should be approved automatically. See Note 1.
Indicates transaction should be approved asynchronously. See Note 1.
CURRENCY Yes Integer in ASCII characters, ISO currency code.
DTDPATH No Path to the locally stored DTD. The value of this parameter is used in the XML document to specify the location of the external DTD. If this parameter is not specified, the complete DTD is returned as an internal DTD. The length of the DTDPath must be from 1 to 254 bytes.
ETAPIVERSION Yes "3" (Indicates WebSphere Commerce Payments-or predecessor product-API version: Version 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 3.1.x, 5.5.x, and 5.6.x)
MERCHANTNUMBER Yes Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
OPERATION Yes ASCII character string "ReceivePayment."
ORDERDATA1 No Auxiliary data supplied by the user, specified as an ASCII character string between 1 and 254 bytes in length.
ORDERDATA2 No Auxiliary data supplied by the user, specified as a UTF-8 string from 1 to 254 bytes in length.
ORDERDATA3 No Auxiliary data supplied by the user, specified as a UTF-8 string between 1 and 254 bytes in length.
ORDERDATA4 No Auxiliary data supplied by the user, specified as a binary string between 1 and 254 bytes in length.
ORDERDATA5 No Auxiliary data supplied by the user, specified as a binary string with an arbitrary length.
ORDERNUMBER Yes Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
ORDERURL No URL containing order details.
PAYMENTTYPE Yes ASCII character string. Specifies the payment cassette or protocol being used; for example, OfflineCard.
TRANSACTIONID No Transaction identifier supplied by the user, specified as an ASCII character string between 1 and 128 bytes in length.

Note 1:

The following table lists the required and optional keywords for APPROVEFLAG=1 or 2.

Keywords Required Value
PAYMENTAMOUNT Yes A 32-bit positive integer in ASCII characters.
PAYMENTNUMBER Yes Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
DEPOSITFLAG No Boolean value in ASCII characters. Indicates whether the deposit should be attempted automatically. This flag is only valid if APPROVE=1 (order is automatically approved). Supported values are:
Funds should not be automatically deposited.
Funds should be automatically deposited.

Note 2:

If DEPOSITFLAG=1, then the following keyword is optional:

Optional keywords Value
BATCHNUMBER Identifies the batch under which this payment will be processed. Must be from 1 to 999999999.