Feature Pack 7 or later

Updating a widget to be responsive

In this lesson, you update your new custom widget to follow responsive web design. By making your widget responsive, the size of your widget adapts depending on the device that is being used to view the page that contains your widget. By using a responsive web design (RWD) approach, you can design one widget and define how the widget appears on different devices instead of creating multiple widgets for different-sized devices. When you are creating a custom widget, make your widget responsive so that the widget can be used in layouts for any type of device class.By default, all of the widgets that are provided with WebSphere Commerce are responsive. For more information about these widgets, see Responsive widgets.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following tasks are complete

About this task

Aurora starter store pages are responsive by design so that they can be accessed across multiple channels and platforms. RWD pages in WebSphere Commerce use fluid layouts that include percentage-based widths for the layout template slots. The responsive pages dynamically resize to show content on the different devices that shoppers can use to access a store. For example, a store can show various page sizes or layouts according to the screen size of the device the shopper is using to view the store. These responsive pages demonstrate the best practices for store development within WebSphere Commerce. You can use these responsive pages to help you implement a responsive storefront for your site that can be used for various platforms. For more information about the RWD approach in WebSphere Commerce, see Responsive Web Design (RWD).

By default, the responsive pages for WebSphere Commerce adapt to fit three device screen size ranges. The default page ranges are defined as range breakpoints by using CSS3 Media Query declarations. You can review these breakpoint declarations within the following CSS file WC_eardir/Stores.war/storedir/css/styles.css.

The following table summarizes the default page ranges for the Aurora starter store that are declared in the styles.css file:
Aurora starter store page ranges
Device Range breakpoint Page range
Desktop RWD-C 1281 CSS pixels and above
Tablet RWD-B 601 - 1280 CSS pixels
Mobile RWD-A 600 CSS pixels and below
The current starter store-supported web browsers understand the CSS3 Media Query declarations, and update the rendering of store content and layout flows. For example, when you manually resize a browser window or change the screen resolution on your desktop, the browser understands the change. The store page then responds to the change and adapts to use the appropriate layout flows and widget and content sizes. The fallback for unsupported browsers displays the desktop site. For more information about the page ranges and the response of starter store pages to different devices and screen sizes, see

To make your widget responsive, you must define how your widget is to display at the different page range breakpoints. For more information about updating a widget to be responsive, see Creating responsive widgets.

By default, the Shopping Cart page is partially responsive. After you customize your custom widget to be responsive and include the widget as part of a responsive layout, the Shopping Cart page becomes responsive. Along with the inclusion of your newly responsive widget, the Shopping Cart page includes the following responsive components:
  • The layout template, Any page, five slots, right sidebar that this tutorial uses is a responsive template. The template slots within the template include flexible heights and widths that adjust according to changes in the page range.
  • Along with the updates you complete to make your widget responsive, the ShoppingCartDetailWidget widget inherits default JSP and CSS code. This default code also follows a responsive design approach to support a fluid layout system with flexible percentage-based widths.
  • The other Commerce Composer widgets (Header widget, Footer widget, and Catalog Entry Recommendation widget) that you included within the layout for the Shopping Cart page are responsive widgets.
With the Shopping Cart page responsive, when you resize your browser the widgets on the page shift to the left to stack vertically. For instance, the catalog entry recommendation widget on the page moves under the ShoppingCartDetailWidget so that a shopper can view the entire page easily on a mobile or tablet device.
Note: By creating a responsive layout for the Shopping Cart page that contains only responsive widgets, you are making the Shopping Cart page responsive.


  1. Review how the Shopping Cart page and your custom widget behave at different page range breakpoints.
    1. In a desktop web browser that is set to the RWD-C breakpoint, go to your Aurora store home page. You can launch your store from the Store Management tool in Management Center. For more information, see Selecting and viewing stores.
    2. Browse your store and add a product to your Shopping Cart. Go to your Shopping Cart page.
      Your ShoppingCartDetailWidget can resemble the following image:


      The ShoppingCartDetailWidget widget is composed of four sections:

      • 1 - Shipping mode selection options, which include the options to Shop Online or Pick Up at Store.
      • 2 - Order item details, which include the list of products, availability, quantity, price per unit, and total price.
      • 3 - Single shipment order totals summary, which includes subtotal and order calculations, and the Promotional code entry field.
      • 4 - Checkout logon section, which shoppers use to sign in or select to checkout without signing in.
    3. Manually resize your web browser to the RWD-A breakpoint. Examine how each section responds to the change in page range.
      • 1 - The shipping mode selection section is not affected by the change. The section does not require updates as the section contains only a small amount of information and still displays correctly even when you resize the page to 300 CSS pixels.

        Single shipment order totals summary
      • 3 - The single shipment order totals summary section is responsive by default. When you continue resize your browser to a smaller CSS pixel size, the subtotal and order total calculations shift below the Promotional code entry field.

        Single shipment order totals summary
        Right-click within this section of the page and select to view the source code for the section.

        Source code for single shipment order totals summary
        The section is defined as a table within the JSP code. The CSS sets the placement of the content within the table to always float to the left of the table when the browser window shrinks in size.
      • 4 - The checkout logon section is also responsive by default. When you resize your browser window, the content within the section automatically adjusts to fit within the changed dimensions.

        Check out logon section
        Right-click within this section of the page and select to view the source code for the section.

        Source code for check out logo section
        Within the CSS code, the width and position of the section is percentage-based and relative. When you resize your browser, the storefront dynamically adjusts the layout and placement of the page components, including this check out logon section.
      • 2 - The order item details section, which is defined as a fixed table and is not responsive by default. When you adjust the width of your browser to the smaller breakpoint and lower, the table columns shrink and no longer display correctly. Right-click within the section of the page and select to the view the source code the section. You can see from the code that the order item details section is defined within the OrderItemDetail.jsp file. The corresponding CSS file is common1_1.css file. In the following steps, you add a scroll bar for this table to make the order item details section responsive. This scroll bar displays when the order item details section is viewed at a smaller breakpoint so that shoppers can view the order item details content properly.
  2. Start WebSphere Commerce Developer.
    Switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  3. Update the code for the order item details section to include a scroll bar.
    1. Go to the Stores\WebContent\Widgets-MyCompany\Common\ShoppingCart directory.
    2. Open the OrderItemDetail.jsp file for editing.
    3. Locate the following code within the file:
      <table id="order_details" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"
       summary="<fmt:message key="SHOPCART_TABLE_SUMMARY"
    4. Add the following code immediately before the <table> element to define a new division class for the table.
      <div class="scroll-table">
    5. Add the closing </div> division tag after the <table> element.
      Ensure that your updated code resembles the following code:
      <div class="scroll-table">
        <table id="order_details" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"
         summary="<fmt:message key="SHOPCART_TABLE_SUMMARY"
    6. Save and close the file.
  4. Update the CSS definition to define the scroll bar for the section that displays at the RWD-A range breakpoint for the mobile device page range.
    1. Go to the Stores\WebContent\Aurora\css directory.
    2. Open the common1_1.css file for editing.
    3. Locate the code section that is defined for the RWD-A breakpoint and the 600 CSS pixels and under page range. Search for the following line of code:
      @media (max-width: 600px) 
    4. Append the following code to the end of the CSS definition for the page range:
      overflow-x: scroll;
      width: 100%;
      Ensure that your updated code resembles the following code:
      @media (max-width: 600px) {
        widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main {
          overflow: hidden;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main:nth-child(3) {
          display: inherit;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_4,
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_3 {
          width: 200%;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_2,
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_1 {
          width: 100%;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_4 .row > .item {
          width: 23% !important;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_3 .row > .item {
          width: 23% !important;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_2 .row > .item {
          width: 48% !important;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .compare_1 .row > .item {
          width: 98% !important;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .row > .heading {
          display: none;
        .widget_product_compare > .middle > .left_border > .right_border > .content > .compare_main .row > .item > .heading_mobile {
          display: inherit;
          font-weight: bold;
          overflow-x: scroll;
          width: 100%;
    5. Save and close the file. The code that you included adds a percentage width and sets the overflow to scroll.
  5. Verify that the order item details section is responsive within your store.
    1. In a desktop web browser that is set to the RWD-C breakpoint, go to your Aurora store home page.
    2. Resize your browser window to below the RWD-A breakpoint. Ensure that the scroll bar for the order item details section displays.
      The updated order item detail section of your custom widget can resemble the following image at 300 CSS pixels.

      Order item detail section with scroll bar.
  6. Update the css for the image that displays within the order item details section to resize at different page break
    1. Right-click within the order item details section and select to view the source code for the section. Within the source code, you can see that the size of the image that displays for the order item is defined within the legacy1_1.css CSS file.
    2. In the Enterprise Explorer view of WebSphere Commerce Developer, go to the Stores\WebContent\Aurora\css directory.
    3. Open the legacy1_1.css file for editing.
    4. Locate the following code:
      #order_details div[id^="WC_OrderItemDetailsf_div_1_"] img {
        width: 100%;
    5. Change the value of the width column from 100% to 50%
      #order_details div[id^="WC_OrderItemDetailsf_div_1_"] img {
        width: 50%;
      You can also update the display size of other attributes for the order item details section within the file.
    6. Save and close the file.
    7. In your web browser, refresh the Shopping Cart page. Ensure that the image size responds to the change in page size when you resize your browser.
      At 300 CSS pixels, the order item detail section of your custom widget can resemble the following image.

      Order item detail section with scroll bar and updated image size.


You widget is updated to be responsive when shoppers are using different devices to view a store page that contains your widget. You have also updated the Shopping Cart page layout to be responsive by ensuring the layout includes only responsive widgets.