WebSphere Commerce DeveloperFeature Pack 7 or later

Enabling the Commerce Composer store function for a Deprecated featureMadisons store

In this lesson, you configure the Commerce Composer tool to manage Madisons store pages. To configure the tool, you use the Data Load utility to turn on the Commerce Composer store function in the Madisons starter store.

About this task

By enabling the store function with the Data Load utility, your Deprecated featureMadisons store can be selected by business users in the Commerce Composer tool as shown in the following image:
Select Store list with Madisons store option


Update the Data Load utility files with your environment settings.
  1. In a file manager utility, go to the temporary directory where you extracted the CommerceComposerStoreSupportTutorial.zip compressed file.
  2. Go to the source\dataload directory. Ensure that the following files exist:
    The CSV input file that contains the data that the Data Load utility loads.
    The data load environment configuration file, which includes the environment variables for your WebSphere Commerce instance. These variables include the following information:
    • Business context variables, including the store identifier, catalog identifier, and the default language and currency for your store.
    • Database environment settings, including the database type, name, and schema.
    The business object configuration file, which defines your business context information, database connection property, ID Resolver, and data writer class.
    The data load order configuration file, which controls the order that the Data Load utility loads data.
  3. Open the dataload_storefunction.csv file for editing. Update the value for the storeid column to match the store ID for your Madisons store. In this tutorial, the value of the storeid column is 10851.
  4. Open the dataload_storefunction_env.xml file for editing.
    1. Update the following code in the file to use the correct values for your store:
      <_config:BusinessContext storeIdentifier="Madisons" catalogIdentifier="Madisons" languageId="-1" currency="USD">
    2. Update the following code to use the correct values for your database:
       <_config:Database type="derby" name="..\db\mall" schema="APP"/>
    3. Save and close the file.
Run the Data Load utility to enable the Commerce Composer store function for your Madisons store.
  1. Ensure that your WebSphere Commerce Server is stopped before you run the Data Load utility. For more information about stopping your server, see Starting and stopping WebSphere Commerce Test Server.
  2. In a command-line utility, go to the WCDE_installdir\bin directory.
  3. Run the following command to load the input CSV files to enable the Commerce Composer store function for your store:

    dataload temporaryDirectoryPath\source\dataload\dataload_storefunction_load.xml

    Where temporaryDirectoryPath is the path to the temporary directory where you extracted and modified the contents of the CommerceComposerStoreSupportTutorial.zip compressed file.
  4. Verify that the Data Load utility loaded successfully by checking the log file for the utility. Ensure that the following statement displays in the log file: "Load completed successfully with no errors.".
    The wc-dataload.log log file for the Data Load utility is generated in the WCDE_installdir\logs directory.
  5. Open the Commerce Composer tool. Ensure that your store displays in the Select Store list.