Update the write usage of the object definition with the new usage

In this lesson, you change the writeUsage value to use the new write usage in the object definition of the primary object.

About this task

For this tutorial, the primary object definition for Search Term Associations in Catalog tools is catBaseSearchTermAssociationsPrimaryObjectDefinition.


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > catalog > objectDefinitions.
  2. Right click SearchTermAssociationsPrimaryObjectDefinition.def. Select Open with > Definition file editor.
    Tip: To navigate to the correct file quicker, press CTRL+ALT+L. The Open OpenLazlo type box appears. In the Enter the name of the type field, enter catBaseSearchTermAssociationsPrimaryObjectDefinition and click Open.
  3. Locate the writeUsage parameter.
    The code resembles the following code block:
    displayName="${catalogResources.SearchTermAssociations}" displayNameProperty="name" 
    headerIcon="searchTermAssociationsHeaderIcon" icon="searchTermAssociationsIcon" 
    helpLink="concepts/cpnsearchass.htm" idProperty="catalogId" isBaseDefinition="true" 
    propertiesDefinitionName="catSearchTermAssociationsProperties" writeUsage="IBM_ManageCatalog" 
  4. Change the writeUsage parameter to EXT_ManagerSearchTermAssociation so that the code resembles the following code block.
    displayName="${catalogResources.SearchTermAssociations}" displayNameProperty="name" 
    headerIcon="searchTermAssociationsHeaderIcon" icon="searchTermAssociationsIcon" 
    helpLink="concepts/cpnsearchass.htm" idProperty="catalogId" isBaseDefinition="true" 
    propertiesDefinitionName="catSearchTermAssociationsProperties" writeUsage="EXT_ManageSearchTermAssociation" 