Create a user group for write access to business objects

In this lesson, you create a user group that contains all the roles that can have write access to the business objects. You create the user group ExtSearchTermAsociationManagersForOrg to specify that category manager, product manager, seller, marketing manager, and search term manager can manage search term associations.


  1. Navigate to WCDE_installdir\xml\policies\xml.
  2. Create a custom user group configuration file and name it extACUserGroups_en_US.xml.
  3. Copy and paste the following code block to extACUserGroups_en_US.xml.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE UserGroups SYSTEM "../dtd/ACUserGroups.dtd">
    <!--  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                              -->
    <!--                                                                    -->
    <!--  WebSphere Commerce                                                -->
    <!--                                                                    -->
    <!--  (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2012                                      -->
    <!--                                                                    -->
    <!--  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or       -->
    <!--  disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -->
    <!--                                                                    -->
        Name: extACUserGroup.xml
        Description: This file contains the UserGroups defined for Access control.
        Do NOT translate UserGroup Names.
        Translate ONLY role names.
        This is the string "xxxx" when you have an xml block
             <variable name="role"/>
                   <operator name="="/>
              <value data="xxxx"/>
        Please make sure that the translation for roles
        in this file (<role="xxxx">) is consistent
        with translation of the roles in the Roles table.
    <UserGroups LanguageID="en_US">
        <UserGroup Name="ExtSearchTermAssociationManagersForOrg" OwnerID="RootOrganization" Description="Users who can manage search term associations for the organization">
                  <variable name="role"/>
                  <operator name="="/>
                  <value data="Category Manager"/>
                 <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/>
                  <variable name="role"/>
                  <operator name="="/>
                  <value data="Product Manager"/>
                 <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/>
                  <variable name="role"/>
                  <operator name="="/>
                  <value data="Seller"/>
                 <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/>
                  <variable name="role"/>
                  <operator name="="/>
                  <value data="Marketing Manager"/>
                 <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/>
                  <variable name="role"/>
                  <operator name="="/>
                  <value data="Search Term Manager"/>
                 <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/>
  4. Save the file.
  5. Stop your server.
  6. In command prompt, navigate to WCDE_installdir\bin. Run the following command to load the user group file:

    acugload extACUserGroups_en_US.xml


The new user group is now loaded. The category manager, product manager, seller, marketing manager, and search term manager can manage search term associations.