Tutorial: Adding dynamic text fields to the Store Management tool

This tutorial demonstrates how to add dynamic text fields in the Store Management tool and display this new content in the storefront. To complete this tutorial you modify definition files to use UserData element support, you add a profile field to the Store Management tool and then add the content to your storefront. The Store Management tool provides support for the UserData element in the logical layer object noun and physical layer database. This support acts as an extension point for adding new customizable data fields to a store profile.

In this tutorial, you add a new customizable field to the store properties tab in the Management Center Store Management tool. This change uses the UserData element. For more information about the UserData element, see extending existing objects. To learn more about customizing the WebSphere Commerce Management Center see overview of customizing Management Center.

The wc-business-object-mediator.xml file is how the logical layer for the UserData is linked to the physical layer in the database. The following sample code indicates that the column field1 in the STORE table is linked by using the logical name customField1. This logical name can be referenced in Management Center customization by prefixing the logical name of the UserData with 'x_' to indicate that it is a new extension field.
<_config:property-mapping logicalType="com.ibm.commerce.infrastructure.facade.datatypes.OnlineStoreType"
 <_config:child-property-mapping relationshipName="storeForStoreent">
  <_config:userDataProperty logicalPropertyName="customField1" physicalPropertyName="field1" />
  <_config:userDataProperty logicalPropertyName="customField2" physicalPropertyName="field2" />

Learning objectives

After completing this tutorial, you should be familiar with the following concepts:

  • Resource bundles
  • The Store Management tool
  • Store profile fields
After completing this tutorial, you should be able to perform the following tasks:
  • Simple extensions of objects.
  • Customize the Management Center Store Management tool.
  • Create resource bundles.

Time required

Expect this tutorial to take one hour to complete. The tutorial can take longer if you explore concepts that are related to this tutorial.

Skill level

This tutorial is intended for advanced WebSphere Commerce developers responsible for creating and customizing the Store Management tool within the WebSphere Commerce Management Center. To complete this tutorial, you should be familiar with the following terms and concepts:
  • Management Center framework.
  • UserData element for customization support.

System requirements

Before you begin this tutorial, ensure that you complete the following tasks:
  • Install WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  • Install WebSphere Commerce Version 7.
  • Install and enable WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 2 or higher.
  • Publish the Deprecated featureMadisons starter store.