Feature Pack 3: Deprecated feature

Activate the workspace task group

In this step, you continue to assume the role of Jim, a Workspace Manager, and activate the task group that is created in the previous step to have the contributors begin work on the workspace. As the task group is recurring, you are activating a task group that is continuously activated upon completion with the same tasks and contributors involved.

Introduced in Feature Pack 3Note: The Workspace Administration Tool is deprecated. The Workspace Management tool replaces all of the workspace management features in the Workspace Administration Tool and the Tasks tool. If your site uses the Workspace Management tool, do not follow the steps that are contained within this tutorial. Instead, see Workspace Management tool.

About this task

This step assumes that you completed the previous step successfully, and are logged in to the Workspace Administration Tool, and have the following workspaces, task groups, and tasks:

Start page


  1. Select the Product introductions task group within the Maintenance workspace.
  2. Add comments to inform the Content Contributors of the work to be done:
    1. Click Comments.
    2. In the New Comment field, type additional information for the Content Contributors. The information is specific to this instance of the task group:

      Create product info for new line cell phones from product specification document from manufacturer.

      With the field completed, the New task panel looks like the following image:

      Activate comment

      The task group code that is displayed on your screen might be different from the task group code that is shown in the image. Every task group, regardless of the workspace, has a unique identifier.

    3. Click OK.
  3. Activate the task group:

    Select the Product introductions task group and click Activate.

    Activated task group

    If email notification is enabled on the system, Joe is sent an email notification of the tasks that are assigned to Joe.

    The task is now active and you can monitor the status of the tasks and task group from the Current, completed, & canceled view:

    Monitor tasks view
  4. Click Logout.