Deleting a merchandising association type

You can delete any custom merchandising association type you created. Do not delete the following default merchandising association types: cross-sell, up-sell, replacement and accessory.


  1. Ensure there are no existing merchandising associations of the type you want to delete. If you delete a merchandising association type, any existing merchandising associations using that type will also be deleted. If this situation is acceptable to you, skip this step. Otherwise:
    1. From a database command window, find the massoctype_id by running the following command: select massoctype_id from massoctype. Find the massoctype_id in the resulting list.
    2. Check for existing merchandising associations between catalog entries by running the following command:
      select * from massoccece where massoctype_id='massoctype_idFoundInStep_a'
    3. Check for existing merchandising associations between categories by running the following command:
      select * from massocgpgp where massoctype_id='massoctype_idFoundInStep_a'
    4. For any records found in steps b and c, change the type of merchandising association to a merchandising association which you will not delete.
  2. Stop your WebSphere Commerce Server.
  3. Connect to the database.
  4. Run the following command:
    delete from massoctype where massoctype_id=' massoctype_idFoundInStep_a' 
  5. Start your WebSphere Commerce Server.