Adding a merchandising association type to the database

By default, WebSphere Commerce displays four merchandising association types: cross-sell, up-sell, accessory and replacement. You can create your own merchandising association types, based on your business needs.


  1. Connect to the database.
  2. Run the following command:
    insert into massoctype (massoctype_id, description) values (' yourCustomMAType ', ' yourCustomMATypeDescription ') 
    Is the merchandising association type
    Is the custom merchandising association type description.
    For example, to insert a merchandising association called down-sell, run the following command:
    insert into massoctype (massoctype_id, description) values ('Down-sell', 'Suggest a similar lower-priced product.')
  3. The new merchandising association displays the next time you load the Merchandising Association page in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
  4. Optional: Add translations of the new custom merchandising association type.