Creating a merchandising association type

By default, WebSphere Commerce displays four merchandising association types: cross-sell, up-sell, accessory and replacement. You can create your own merchandising association types, based on your business needs. The following instructions work for both the development and production environments. You should test your changes in the development environment before propagating them to your production environment.


Create a merchandising association type using one of the following methods:
  • If you are inserting a small number of merchandising association types, add the merchandising association type information into the database.
  • If you are inserting a large number of merchandising association types, use the loading utilities to load the merchandising association type information into the database. Use the following XML tag as a guide when creating an XML file for the Loader utility:
    <massoctype massoctype_id='yourCustomMAType' description='yourCustomMATypeDescription' />


    is the new merchandising association type and yourCustomMATypeDescription is the new merchandising association type description.