WebSphere Commerce Enterprise

Publishing the Order and Quote Capture Integration

To enable the Order and Quote Capture Integration features in the Elite starter store, site administrator must publish the sample EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar file using the Publish Wizard from the WebSphere Commerce Administrative Console.

Before you begin

Before publishing the Order and Quote Capture Integration SAR file, ensure that the base Elite starter store has been published without any catalog data.

About this task

The sample EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar file is available at WC_installdir/samples/ExternalIntegration.

Perform the following steps to publish the Order and Quote Capture Integration over the Elite starter store:


  1. Create a directory called sar in the following directory:
    • WC_installdir/instances/instance_name
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/conf
      Note: The conf directory does not exist by default. You must create this directory in the installation directory for the WebSphere Commerce development environment before creating the sar directory.
  2. Go to the following directory:
    • WC_installdir/samples/ExternalIntegration
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/samples/ExternalIntegration
  3. Copy the EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar file into the sar directory you created in step 1.
  4. The EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar should now be available for publishing in the Administration Console.
    1. Open Administration Console.
    2. From the Store Archives menu, select Publish. The Store Archives page displays listing the store archives available for publish.
    3. From the View list, select Default.
    4. Select EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar from the list of store archives.
    5. Click Next. On the Parameters page, select Elite from the Store identifier list.
    6. Click Next. The Summary page displays, listing the store archive and parameters selected, and the location to which the store archive is published.
    7. After reviewing the summary information, click Finish. A confirmation dialog displays with the number of the publishing job. Note the job number for future reference.
    8. Optional: When you have finished viewing the store, bookmark the site, and close the browser.
    Tip: In case the store is not published successfully, an error is displayed. Enabling WC_DEVTOOLS trace before publishing can provide more information about the failure in the trace.log file.