WebSphere Commerce Enterprise

Planning Order and Quote Capture Integration in the Elite starter store

If you are planning to enable the Order and Quote Capture Integration features in your Elite starter store, make a note of certain prerequisites that must be fulfilled and also the restrictions that the Integration introduces in the Elite starter store.

  • The Order and Quote Capture Integration is applied over the base Elite starter store with no catalog data. Once the integration has been enabled, the catalog data can be batch loaded into the WebSphere Commerce database.
  • The synchronization of the master data for members and products between WebSphere Commerce and the external system is not in the scope of the Order and Quote Capture Integration. This synchronization, however, can be achieved by using data load utilities and offline processes.
  • Customers always need to authenticate before accessing the Elite storefront. Authentication is performed in the Websphere Commerce database.
  • Email notifications are assumed to be handled by the external system as the external system is the system of records for this integration.
  • The external system will never push any updates of order and quote data to WebSphere Commerce. WebSphere Commerce pulls data from external system as and when it is needed.
  • WebSphere Commerce Accelerator and WebSphere Commerce Organization Administration Console must not be used for managing the orders submitted to the external system for processing.
  • Orders once submitted, cannot be edited.
  • Re-ordering for an order previously submitted to the external system is not supported.
  • Support for multiple billing addresses and multiple payment methods depends on whether these features are supported in the external system. These are, however, enabled by default.
  • Some features of the base Elite store, for example promotion codes and the provision for changing currency preference are automatically turned off during the store publish process.
  • The Elite storefront pages support multiple locales; however, the features specifically provided by the Order and Quote Capture Integration are not localized. Only the default locale, en_US is supported for these resources.
  • DOM inventory system will be used for this integration. The inventory configuration is loaded into the WebSphere Commerce database during store publish, using the store-config.xml file present inside the sample EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar file.