WebSphere Commerce DeveloperFeature Pack 7: Deprecated featureFeature Pack 5 or later

Product catalog feed generated content includes localhost for product URL

The generated content for the product catalog feed displays localhost for products URL references instead of the fully qualified host name.


Product URLs point to localhost instead of the real server name because WebSphere Commerce Developer defaults to using localhost.


Update the WebSphere Commerce configuration to use a system host name. Update the wc-server.xml file to modify the Hostname attribute.
  1. WebSphere Commerce DeveloperEdit workspace_dir\WC\xml\config\wc-server.xml
    For example:
    <WebServer AdminPort="8002" AuthenticationMode="Basic"
    DOMPassword="" DOMServerName="" DocumentRoot=""
    FTPServerName="" FTPServerPort="21" FTPServerPwd=""
    FTPServerUser="" HostName="hostname.yourdomain.com" IISServerNumber="1"
    MappedConfigPath="" MappedServerPath="" NESAdminConf="
  2. Republish the WebSphere Commerce application.