Feature Pack 5 or later

Performance considerations for Bazaarvoice

Bazaarvoice contains default behaviors that might affect storefront performance. Changing the default behaviors might improve your storefront performance when you work with Aurora starter store pages.

Consider these behaviors and performance considerations when you integrate with Bazaarvoice:

Caching smart SEO content and invalidating cached smart SEO content

The reference implementation that is provided by IBM caches the search engine optimization (SEO) content and invalidates the cache after 24 hours. The reference implementation cachespec.xml file can be found in the following directory:


For example: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/demo/installedApps/WC_demo_cell/WC_demo.ear/Stores.war/WEB-INF/cachespec.xml.

For more information about invalidating cache, see Defining the invalidation policies in cachespec.xml. The cache can be more immediately invalidated by adding a BVSEOContent entry to the CACHEIVL table:
To ensure that the smart SEO content is as in sync with the content downloaded from Bazaarvoice as possible:
  1. Connect to the development database.
  2. Run the following SQL statement:
    INSERT INTO CACHEIVL VALUES (null,'BVSEOContent',current_timestamp,null);

This command invalidates previously cached smart SEO content within 5 minutes of issuing the command.

Scheduling a product catalog feed upload

The reference implementation is CPU-intensive as it extracts the full catalog. Consider this expense when you decide how frequently to schedule the product catalog feed job. There is no benefit to uploading a feed if there are no updates to the catalog since the last time the job ran.