Feature Pack 5

Deleting promotion folders

If you no longer require a promotion folder, you can delete the promotion folder. If you are a business user, an Operations Manager or Site Administrator is required to aid in deleting promotion folders.

Feature Pack 6 or laterSupport for deleting promotion folders within the Management Center Promotions tool is provided by default. If you are a business user, you no longer require an Operations Manager or Site Administrator to delete promotion folders. Use Management Center to delete your promotion folders. For more information, see Deleting promotions and subfolders from a folder

Feature Pack 8As an administrator, you can also use the Data Load utility to delete promotion folders. Sample configuration and input files are provided which you can copy and modify to help you configure the Data Load utility to delete promotion folders. For more information, see Loading promotion folders and promotions into promotion folders.

About this task

Deleting a folder requires running an SQL statement to delete the folder. The SQL statement causes the delete process to cascade delete all the pointers to any promotions that are contained in the folder.

Note: Deleting a promotion from a folder does not delete the promotion from your store. The promotion continues to display in the Promotions List in the Management Center.

Feature Pack 8The Promotions tool can be configured to not display promotions that are in a folder in the main Promotions - List view. If this configuration is enabled, the promotions that are in a folder that you want to delete might not display in the main Promotions - List view for your store. When you delete the folder, the promotions that were in that folder and not in any other folders can display in the main Promotions - List again. If you are deleting folders that include many promotions that might not be in any other folders, you can cause the list of all promotions to exceed the maximum number of promotions that can be displayed in the main Promotions - List.


  1. Locate the FOLDER_ID of the folder to be removed. If your WebSphere Commerce instance has folders with the same IDENTIFIER associated with different stores, the STOREENT_ID is required to identify the folder you are deleting.
    1. Open a connection to your database to run SQL statements against your database.
    2. Run the following SQL query and make note of the FOLDER_ID and PARTENTFOLDER_ID values:
      Ensure that the PARENTFOLDER_ID value matches the FOLDER_ID value for the parent folder of the folder you are deleting. Multiple folders can have the same identifier within a single store, but the folders must have different parent folders.
  2. Run the following SQL statement to remove the folder from your WebSphere Commerce database:
  3. Verify that your promotion folder is deleted:
    1. Open the Promotions tool.
    2. Click Promotion Folders. The Promotion Folders List displays. Ensure that your removed promotion folder no longer displays.


Your folder is deleted. Business users can continue adding promotions to and removing promotions from any remaining promotion folders within the Management Center Promotions tool.