Selecting the components

The Component Selection page available in the upgrade scenario is similar to the one available in the new installation flow.

The Component Selection pages includes the following components and its subcomponents:

  • Component panel displays items such as MyXalytics, EDS, DME Scheduler, Metric, and Integrations databases are available.
  • Configuration saved during the last installation, such as load balancing, number of instances, and integrations database, is pre-filled.
  • The integration panel is enabled for modification. All other panels corresponding to existing components are disabled to preserve their configurations.
  • Users can add a new integration database.
  • Users can increase the instance count of the installed integration database. The database instance cannot be decreased once installed.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  • Clicking the Next on the screen will save the data and allows you to proceed further.
  • Clicking the Validate button validates the form as per validation mentioned in the validation section.
  • Clicking the Test Connection button validates the credentials.