Manage Existing Groups

For an individual group, this section provides the following information as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Figure 21 – Manage Groups
  • Group Name - Name of the group
  • Access Level - Access level the users in that group will have
  • Created At - Date when the group was created
  • Action - Edit group details
  • Status - whether the group and the users in that group are active or not

Follow the set of instructions mentioned below to edit the details of existing group:

  1. Click on Edit () button to edit the details of the corresponding group.
  1. To delete a group member, click on icon corresponding to the group member.
  2. To add a user, search for the user and click on Add User button .
Figure 2. Figure 22 - Edit Group
  1. Use the toggle button () next to a group to change the status to active/inactive.
Figure 3. Figure 23 - Edit Group: Deactivation Successful
  1. Add a New Group (For detailed step by step instructions on how to add a group, click Add New Group .