
In this section, the user can create a group and assign an access level for it. Based on the access level, the users assigned to that group get access to different functionality/routes in BigFix AEX. It is mandatory to assign a user to at least one group.

In a scenario when a user is assigned to multiple groups, the user gets access to the routes basis the group that has minimum group access level.

A Route is a unique link to an existing functionality/page in the Cognitive Console. To know more about routes, click Route Route.

Lower the group access level more is the number of routes a user can access. For the super admin, the group access level is 0.

Other than creating new groups, this section also explains how the admin can manage the existing groups, which includes addition or deleting users in a group or changing the active status of a group.

The steps mentioned below cover all the actions an admin can take: