Lab Exercise 6 – Deployment of BigFix Runbook AI components in a secure mode by changing HTTP to HTTPS

In this lab exercise, the main focus is on deploying BigFix Runbook AI components in a secure mode by changing HTTP to HTTPS. The text provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable secure communication for various components of BigFix Runbook AI.


An organization has asked for deployment of BigFix Runbook AI with all its features and functionalities in a secure mode. This entails conversion of all the components from HTTP to HTTPS.

In this lab, we will showcase the detailed procedure for converting all the components from HTTP to HTTPS.


Availability of servers with all components installed

Database credentials should be available


Enable Secure Communication (Changing HTTP to HTTPS)

This section describes how to enable the secure communication by changing HTTP to HTTPS. It can be enabled for both the BigFix Runbook AI website and the deployed components.

Website Only

This section describes how to enable the secure communication by changing HTTP to HTTPS for the BigFix Runbook AI website.

Following changes are required in the underlying components to achieve the same.

Key Rotation Service (KRS)

To change the hosting of KRS from HTTP to HTTPS using the existing certificate, for e.g. 'HCL.iAutomate', please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type inetmgr.
  1. Click OK to open IIS.
Figure 1. Figure 78 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Expand Sites and click HCLiAutomateKRS.

Figure 79 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)

  1. Click Bindings in the Edit Site section.
Figure 2. Figure 80 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
Figure 3. Figure 81 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Click Add New.
  2. Select Type as ‘https’. Port information is automatically populated. Select the SSL Certificate.
  3. Click OK.
Figure 4. Figure 82 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Select HCLiAutomateKRS
  2. Right-click and select Explore.
  3. Find Web.config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 5. Figure 83 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the Web.config file, find the tag <security> and change it to <security mode= "TransportWithMessageCredential">.
Figure 6. Figure 84 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. If the certificate is self-signed, find the key IsSelfSigned and change its value to Y. Else, the value will be N.
Figure 7. Figure 85 - Hosting KRS from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Select the service and click Restart to restart the services.

Base User interface

To change the hosting of BaseUI from HTTP to HTTPS using the existing certificate, for e.g. 'HCL.iAutomate', please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type inetmgr.
  1. Click OK to open IIS.
Figure 8. Figure 86 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Expand Sites and click HCLiAutomateBaseUI.
Figure 9. Figure 87 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Click Bindings in the Edit Site section.
Figure 10. Figure 88 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
Figure 11. Figure 89 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Click Add New.
  2. Select Type as https. Port information gets populated automatically. Select the SSL Certificate.
  3. Click OK.
Figure 12. Figure 90 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Right-click HCLiAutomateBaseUI and click Explore.
  2. Find Web.config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 13. Figure 91 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the Web.config file, find the key URL and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 14. Figure 92 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. If the certificate is self-signed, find the key IsSelfSigned and change its value to ‘Y’. Else, the value will be ‘N’.
Figure 15. Figure 93 - Hosting Base user interface from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Select the service and click Restart to restart the services.


To change the hosting of Web API from HTTP to HTTPS using the existing certificate, for e.g. 'HCL.iAutomate', please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type inetmgr.
  1. Click OK to open IIS.
Figure 16. Figure 94 - Hosting Web API from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Expand Sites and right-click HCLiAutomateWEBAPI.
  2. Click Explore.


Figure 95 - Hosting Web API from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)

  1. Find Web.config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 17. Figure 96 - Hosting Web API from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the Web.config file, find the key ‘URL’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 18. Figure 97 - Hosting Web API from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. If the certificate is self-signed, find the key IsSelfSigned and change its value to ‘Y’. Else, the value will be ‘N’.
Figure 19. Figure 98 - Hosting Web API from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Select the service and click Restart to restart the services.


To change the configuration of the Listener from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 20. Figure 99 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click OK to open the Windows Services.
Figure 21. Figure 100 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Listener.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.Listener service and click Properties.
Figure 22. Figure 101 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable field as shown in the image below.
Figure 23. Figure 102 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer, then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 24. Figure 103 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file, find the key URL and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 25. Figure 104 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. If the certificate is self-signed, find the key IsSelfSigned and change its value to ‘Y’. Else, the value will be ‘N’.
  1. Figure 105- Hosting Web API from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)

  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Select the service and click Restart to restart the services.

Configuration Changes via GUI

To change the configuration of Screen from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to BigFix Runbook AI using the Super Admin credentials.
  1. Roll-over to the Environment and clickConfiguration.
  2. Select Component Name as Web API and KRS.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 26. Figure 106 - Changing LB IP via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click Update to save the changes.


This section describes how to enable the secure communication by changing HTTP to HTTPS for the BigFix Runbook AI Components.

As a prerequisite, user needs to have the Thumbprint of the certificate which can be identified using the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type mmc.
Figure 27. Figure 107 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate
  1. Click OK to open the Microsoft Management Console.
Figure 28. Figure 108 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate (cont.)
  1. From the File menu, select Add / Remove Snap-in.
Figure 29. Figure 109 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate (cont.)
  1. From the Available snap-ins list, select Certificates, then click Add.
Figure 30. Figure 110 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate (cont.)
Add certificate snap-in
  1. Click OK.
  2. From the Certificates Snap-In window, select Computer Account and click Next.
Figure 31. Figure 111 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate (cont.)
  1. In the left pane, under Console Root, click Certificates (Local Computer).
  2. Click Personal folder to expand it and then click Certificates folder to expand it.
Figure 32. Figure 112 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate (cont.)
  1. In the list of certificates, find certificate HCLTech.iautomate.Web.
  2. Double-click the certificate to open the Certificate dialog box.
  3. Scroll through the list of fields and click Thumbprint to display the value.
Figure 33. Figure 113 - Identify Thumbprint of the Certificate (cont.)

Following changes are required in the underlying components:


To change the configuration of Listener from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 34. Figure 114 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
Figure 35. Figure 115 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Listener.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.Listener service and click Properties.
Figure 36. Figure 116 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below.
Figure 37. Figure 117 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer and paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 38. Figure 118 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file, find the key URL and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 39. Figure 119 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
Figure 40. Figure 120 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Listner.Service.Host config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.
Figure 41. Figure 121 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={fa605232-f580-4d28-895e-3e021ffed82d} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.Listener service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 42. Figure 122 - Hosting Listener from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)

Data Collector

To change the configuration of Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 43. Figure 123 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
Figure 44. Figure 124 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.DC.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.DC service and click Properties.
Figure 45. Figure 125 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in ‘Path to executable’ as shown in the image below.
Figure 46. Figure 126 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer and paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.DataCollector.Service.Host.exe config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 47. Figure 127 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.DataCollector.Service.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘ServiceHostURL’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 48. Figure 128 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.DataCollector.Service.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
Figure 49. Figure 129 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.DataCollector.Service.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.

Figure 130 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)

  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={dcd67c7b-c67a-4956-b4cc-6545ace1d2e9} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.DC service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 50. Figure 131 - Hosting Data Collector from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)

Generic Service

To change the configuration of Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 51. Figure 132 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
Figure 52. Figure 133 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.GenericExecutor.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.GenericExecutor service and click Properties.
Figure 53. Figure 134 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below.
Figure 54. Figure 135 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer and then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Generic.Host.exe config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 55. Figure 136 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Generic.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘iAutomate.Generic.ServiceHostURL’’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 56. Figure 137- Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Generic.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
Figure 57. Figure 138 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Generic.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.
Figure 58. Figure 139 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={c60c3690-7b58-4c68-8590-e2fd061edd23} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.GenericExecutor service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 59. Figure 140 - Hosting Generic Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)

RBA Component

To change the configuration of RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 60. Figure 141 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
Figure 61. Figure 142 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.RBAComponent.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.RBAComponent service and click Properties.
Figure 62. Figure 143 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below.
Figure 63. Figure 144 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer and then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.RbaService.Component.Host.exe config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 64. Figure 145 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.RbaService.Component.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘ServiceHostURL’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 65. Figure 146 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.RbaService.Component.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
Figure 66. Figure 147 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.RbaService.Component.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.

Figure 67. Figure 148 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={11f43d84-3d5c-47cf-b29e-0dd38c0e8f85} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.RBAComponent service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 68. Figure 149 - Hosting RBA Component from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)

Release Service

To change the configuration of Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 69. Figure 150 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
Figure 70. Figure 151 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.ReleaseService.
  2. Right-click HCL.iAutomate.ReleaseService service and click on Properties.
Figure 71. Figure 152 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in Path to executable as shown in the image below.
Figure 72. Figure 153 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer, then paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Release.Host.exe config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 73. Figure 154 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Release.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘iAutomate.Release.ServiceHostURL’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 74. Figure 155 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Release.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
Figure 75. Figure 156 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Release.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.

Figure 76. Figure 157 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={d32cb30c-7e1a-4549-a2e2-32bf01a1d345} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.ReleaseService service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 77. Figure 158 - Hosting Release Service from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)

AD Sync

To change the configuration of AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
Figure 78. Figure 159 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
    Figure 79. Figure 160 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.ADSyncService.
    2. Right Click HCL.iAutomate.ADSyncService service and click Properties.
    Figure 80. Figure 161 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Copy the value mentioned in ‘Path to executable’ as shown in the image below.
    Figure 81. Figure 162 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Open File Explorer and paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
    2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.Service.AD.exe config file and open it in a Notepad.
    Figure 82. Figure 163 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Service.AD.exe config file, find the key ‘ServiceHostURL’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
    Figure 83. Figure 164 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Service.AD.exe config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
    Figure 84. Figure 165 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.Service.AD.exe config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.

    Figure 85. Figure 166 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the command prompt as administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={8c00e29d-1a3e-439b-a449-7e26b64b9d27} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.ADSyncService service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 86. Figure 167 - Hosting AD Sync from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)

Email Service

To change the configuration of Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Press Win+R and type services.msc.
  1. Figure 168 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS

    1. Click OK to open Windows Services.
    Figure 87. Figure 169 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
    1. Search for HCL.iAutomate.EmailService.
    2. Right click HCL.iAutomate.EmailService service and click Properties.
    Figure 88. Figure 170 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Copy the value mentioned in ‘Path to executable’ as shown in the image below.
Figure 89. Figure 171 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Open File Explorer and paste the copied path and press Enter to open the desired folder.
  2. Search for HCL.iAutomate.EmailService.Service.Host.exe config file and open it in a Notepad.
Figure 90. Figure 172 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.EmailService.Service.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘ServiceHostURL’ and change its value from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 91. Figure 173 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within HCL.iAutomate.EmailService.Service.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘securityMode’ and change its value from 2 to 3.
Figure 92. Figure 174 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Within the HCL.iAutomate.EmailService.Service.Host.exe config file, find the key ‘IsSelfSigned’ and change its value from N to Y.

Figure 93. Figure 175 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)
  1. Save the file for changes to be reflected.
  2. Open the command prompt as administrator and run the following command.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=<ip>:<port on which service is running> appid={21fa9088-0c69-479e-8fdc-a81eb836e264} certhash="<Thumbprint of the certificate>"

Replace the < Thumbprint of the certificate> with the GUID identified earlier.

  1. Select HCL.iAutomate.EmailService service service and click Restart to restart the service.
Figure 94. Figure 176 - Hosting Email Service from HTTP to HTTPS (cont.)

Configuration Changes via GUI

To change the configuration for various components via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to BigFix Runbook AI using the Super Admin credentials.
  1. Roll-over to the Advance Configuration and click Product Configuration.
  2. Select Component Name as Web API.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 95. Figure 177 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS
  1. Click Update to save the changes.
  2. Select Component Name as ‘Data Collector’.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 96. Figure 178 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Click Update to save the changes.
  2. Select Component Name as ‘Generic Service’.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 97. Figure 179 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Click Update to save the changes.
  2. Select Component Name as ‘Release Service’.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 98. Figure 180 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Click Update to save the changes.
  2. Select Component Name as ‘RBA Service’.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 99. Figure 181 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Click Update to save the changes.
  2. Select Component Name as ‘Active Directory’.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 100. Figure 182 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Click Update to save the changes.
  2. Select Component Name as ‘Email Service’.
  3. Change the Load Balancer URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
Figure 101. Figure 183 - Configuration Changes via GUI from HTTP to HTTPS (Cont.)
  1. Click Update to save the changes


After the conclusion of this exercise, you will have a thorough understanding of deployment of BigFix Runbook AI components in a secure mode.

Now, let’s discuss the configuration of BigFix Runbook AI in the next module.

Related Documentation

BigFix Runbook AI Prerequisites Guide

BigFix Runbook AI Installation